
The Serial Claimants And The CNRMers


So far, we have identified 8 serial claimants and have informed them that we are no longer able to continue aiding their long-term rescue work. They have all been given one month’s notice after which they won’t be eligible to apply for more aid from us.

As published earlier, they may write in from time to time to enquire if our financial situation has improved. However, our priority is still to help new applicants and to grow a larger community of animal caregivers.

To the serial claimants and would-be serial claimants, especially those who move from one location to another, if we may, we would like to suggest that you find like-minded friends and register a society. That way, you can formalise your rescue work and raise funds to sustain your work for the long term. It may not be sustainable for you to keep looking for organisations to provide continuous financial help. Every organisation has its limits and constraints.

We would also like to reiterate that AnimalCare is primarily a “starter fund” aimed at building a community of dedicated and independent CNRMers.

C = Care
N = Neuter
R = Rehome (especially dogs)
R = Return and M = Manage (look after them for life)

The concept of CNRM involves all of the above components. It’s not just about trapping, neutering and releasing (that’s TNR). There’s more to it when the caring component comes into the picture.

CNRMers could just concentrate on their small area and get the animals neutered. By doing so, the numbers “should” stabilise after awhile, and all they would need to do then, is to practise the “Manage” part by looking after all their neutered animals. Occasionally, new animals might penetrate into the area. When that happens, repeat the process.

If one were to confine oneself to an area of manageable proportions (depending on one’s time and financial capacity), the work should be sustainable over the long term. One may also derive great satisfaction and happiness knowing that one has indeed done one’s best for the animals under one’s care.

It is wise to always do within your means. Do not take on too much until your rescue work becomes a source of stress and anxiety for you. There is no point in doing that.

By doing within your means, you’ll get to watch your neutered animals grow and look after them for the rest of their lives. What could be more rewarding than that?

We encourage all CNRMers to share their experience with us. Tell us your stories. Provide photographs. Allow us to share it on this blog as we believe that education goes a long way and there is nothing better than education by example.

Be an example and let others follow in your footsteps.

By doing so, we hope to grow a large community of dedicated CNRMers in our country.

Little by little, is the water jug filled.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/11/22/the-serial-claimants-and..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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