
Neutering Aid For 1 Dog In Lahat, Ipoh (Ho Chin Keong’s)


We have provided an aid of RM100 for the neutering of this dog.

We also wish to thank Mr Ho very much for his thoughtfulness. He had actually had 3 dogs spayed this round, but when he heard about our financial difficulty, he immediately texted me through voicemail to withdraw the claim of two of the dogs. He said he would endeavour to pay for the other two by himself.

Even before this, when Mr Ho first started claiming which was just last month, he already informed us that he will only claim now just to start off his rescue work. Once he is able to, he will raise his own funds or save up from his salary to pay for the neutering of all his rescues.

Mr Ho is a blue-collar worker. We again, thank him very much, for his thoughtfulness.

He only started his rescue work last month and since then, he has had 10 dogs neutered. He only claimed 7 from us.

Withdrawing the claim of the other two dogs:

2018年,11月9日,当日我完成3只流浪狗结扎,并填写完Animalcare援助金表格,每只流浪狗RM100津贴。事后得知由12月起,Animalcare为了帮助全马更多合格新申请者与流浪犬猫进行结扎,将会调整每周援助金。我非常感谢Animalcare整个十月赞助我结扎费,也为Animalcare这十年为社区流浪狗猫的付出而感动!所以这次我结扎3只,我申请1只RM100援助金,援助金表格忘了修改,所以特写此文告,感激Animalcare与DR CHAN为全马流浪狗猫每日辛苦的付出!

IF ONLY there were more thoughtful people like Mr Ho!


Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/11/14/neutering-aid-for-1-dog-..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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