Announcement: New Policies (1st December 2018)
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English version:
Those who follow this blog would be aware of the many challenges we have been facing, particularly pertaining to the shortage of funds, scarcity of donations, difficulties in fundraising and the increasing number of applicants, the last of which, is something to rejoice over.
We have made appeals, especially to our applicants (past and present, especially to those who have received thousands of RM from us), to please help us raise funds through various ways, including giving back RM10 a month to our Fund during these difficult times, but sadly, this attempt has not been successful.
As one person trying to raise sufficient funds to help all the applicants, this task is proving to be very daunting. Each month, we pay out, on the average, RM17,000 in claims. Donations received are all channeled back to the applicants.
AnimalCare started with the intention of helping small-time feeders in the neutering of their animals. It has always been stated clearly in our policies that we do not have the financial capability to help the big-timers and that it would be better for them to seek help from larger organisations or be independent and self-reliant.
Our neutering aid also extends to the whole of Malaysia and is not only confined to Selangor. Lately, we have been receiving an increasing number of new applicants from other states and this is all very, very encouraging.
In this spirit and with the challenges that we are facing now, the following policy changes will have to be made:
(1) Effective 1st December 2018, the claim per week per applicant is restricted to a maximum of RM200.
(2) Effective immediately, there will also be a maximum total claim allowable for each applicant (from date of 1st claim). The applicant will be given one month’s notice before this maximum is reached after which we will not be able to help him/her anymore.
However, clause (2) is subject to fund availability so the applicant may write in from time to time to enquire if we have enough funds to help him/her again. Please do so with photos, statistics and sufficient justification of why he/she still needs to apply for our funds.
As such, clause (2) is not cast in stone. We need it now due to scarcity of funds, but if our financial status improves, we might be able to re-open our funds to these old applicants again. For now, we have to prioritise helping the new applicants.
All said, we strongly advise everyone to treat AnimalCare as a starter fund and to please find ways to be independent and self-reliant.
Thank you for your kind understanding.
Versi Bahasa Malaysia:
Mereka yang mengikuti blog ini mungkin telahpun mengetahui tentang cabaran-cabaran yang kami hadapi, terutamanya berkaitan dengan kekurangan dana, kekurangan sumbangan, kesulitan dalam penjanaan dana serta bilangan pemohon yang kian hari semakin bertambah (namun ini sesuatu yang menggembirakan).
Kami telah membuat rayuan, terutamanya kepada para pemohon (yang lama dan yang kini, terutamanya kepada mereka yang telah menerima beribu-ribu ringgit daripada kami), untuk membantu kami mengumpul dana melalui pelbagai cara, termasuk memberi sumbangan ikhlas sebanyak RM10 sebulan kepada dana kami pada masa-masa sukar ini, tetapi malangnya, percubaan ini tidak berjaya.
Sebagai penjana tunggal untuk mendapatkan dana yang mencukupi untuk membantu semua pemohon, tugas ini terbukti sangat mencabar dan sulit. Setiap bulan, kami membayar tuntutan dalam lingkungan RM17,000. Sumbangan yang kami terima semua disalurkan kembali kepada pemohon.
AnimalCare bermula dengan niat untuk membantu penjaga haiwan jalanan berskala kecil dalam pemandulan haiwan-haiwan di bawah jagaan mereka. Polisis kami sentiasa menjelaskan bahawa kami tidak mempunyai keupayaan kewangan untuk membantu penjaga berskala besar dan adalah lebih baik bagi mereka mendapatkan bantuan dari organisasi yang lebih besar atau berdikari dan bergantung kepada diri sendiri.
Bantuan pemandulan kami juga meliputi seluruh Malaysia dan bukan hanya terhad kepada Selangor. Baru-baru ini, kami telah menerima peningkatan jumlah pemohon baru dari negeri-negeri lain dan ini amat menggalakkan.
Berdasarkan semangat ini dan dengan kesulitan yang kami hadapi sekarang, perubahan polisi berikut perlu dibuat:
(1) Berkuatkuasa 1 Disember 2018, tuntutan setiap minggu bagi setiap pemohon dihadkan kepada RM200 maksimum.
(2) Berkuatkuasa serta merta, jumlah maksimum tuntutan yang dibenarkan untuk setiap pemohon (dari tarikh tuntutan pertama) adalah terhad. Pemohon akan diberi notis satu bulan sebelum maksimum ini dicapai dan kami tidak akan dapat membantu pemohon tersebut lagi selepas itu.
Walau bagaimanapun, fasal (2) tertakluk kepada ketersediaan dana jadi pemohon boleh menulis kepada kami dari semasa ke semasa untuk bertanya jika kami mempunyai dana yang mencukupi untuk membantu beliau semula. Sila berbuat demikian dengan gambar, statistik dan justifikasi yang mencukupi mengapa beliau masih perlu memohon dana daripada kami.
Oleh itu, fasal (2) bukanlah sesuatu yang tetap. Kami terpaksa melaksanakannya sekarang oleh kerana kekurangan dana, tetapi jika status kewangan kami bertambah baik, kami mungkin dapat membuka semula dana kami kepada pemohon-pemohon lama ini. Buat masa ini, kami mesti memberi keutamaan untuk membantu pemohon-pemohon baru.
Akhir kata, kami berharap semua pemohon sedar bahawa AnimalCare adalah cuma satu dana permulaan sahaja. Sila berusaha untuk mencari cara-cara untuk berdikari.
Terima kasih atas kerjasama anda.
Those who follow this blog would be aware of the many challenges we have been facing, particularly pertaining to the shortage of funds, scarcity of donations, difficulties in fundraising and the increasing number of applicants, the last of which is something to rejoice over.
We have made appeals, especially to our applicants (past and present, especially to those who have received thousands of RM from us), to please help us raise funds through various ways, including giving back RM10 a month to our Fund during these difficult times, but sadly, this attempt has not been successful.
我们曾多次提出要求, 尤其是向我们的申请者,(过去和现在的,尤其是那些曾经接收过我们数千RM的申请者),请他们通过各种方式来帮助我们筹集资金,包括在这艰难时期每月可以回捐赠10令吉于我们AnimalCare的基金, 很遗憾的是,这种方法并不成功。我们得到的回应比不理想。
As one person trying to raise sufficient funds to help all the applicants, this task is proving to be very daunting. Each month, we pay out RM17,000 in claims. Donations received are all channelled back to the applicants.
AnimalCare started with the intention of helping small-time feeders in the neutering of their animals. It has always been stated clearly in our policies that we do not have the financial capability to help the big-timers and that it would be better for them to seek help from larger organisations or be independent and self-reliant.
Our neutering aid also extends to the whole of Malaysia and is not only confined to Selangor. Lately, we have been receiving an increasing number of new applicants from other states and this is all very,very encouraging.
In the spirit and with the challenges that we are facing now, the following policy changes will have to be made.
1) Effective 1st December 2018, the claim per week per applicant is restricted to a maximum of RM200.
(2) Effective immediately, there will also be a maximum total claim allowable for each applicant (from date of 1st claim). The applicant will be given one month’s notice before this maximum is reached after which we will not be able to help him/her anymore.
(从第1个补助申请的日期算起),立即生效 。在达到这最高限额之前,申请人将获得一个月的通知时间,之后我们将无法再帮助他/她。
However, clause (2) is subject to fund availability so the applicant may write in from time to time to enquire if we have enough funds to help him/her again. Please do so with photos, statistics and sufficient justification of why he/she still needs to apply for our funds.
As such, clause (2) is not cast in stone. We need it now due to scarcity of funds, but if our financial status improves, we might be able to re-open our funds to these old applicants again For now, we have to prioritise helping the new applicants
All said, we strongly advise everyone to treat AnimalCare as a starter fund and to please find ways to be independent and self-reliant.
Thank you for your kind understanding.
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