Soi Dog has been rescuing dozens of dogs every day in flood-afflicted Bangkok.
Please watch this latest video:
Let us do the needful and help where help is most needed right now.
To donate, please go to
If you’d rather not use PayPal or your credit card, you may send your donations to our PBB account, follow-up with an email to and we will donate on your behalf. The receipt from PayPal will be sent to you. Please be advised that your RM will be converted to USD and PayPal charges a commission of 3.4% and an additional 30 cents for the transfer.
Many say charity should begin at home. Yes, it should, but it shouldn’t stop there. The animals in Bangkok need help. Let’s spare a little of what we have and help them.
To date, we have donated, from our Disaster Relief Fund and from the individual donors who donate through us, a total of US$600 (RM1928.39). Some of our friends have donated on their own, too.
Please help by sharing this link with your friends and relatives. Many may want to help, but don’t know how to do it. And most organisations, as usual, are only helping the humans. They sometimes forget that the animals also need help. In fact, they certainly need it more as animals are quite helpless in our human-dominated environment.

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