Hello folks,
There will be no postings from now (Saturday, 1.00pm) until Monday (or earlier), as we are doing a migration from our Blogger to WordPress. This is all thanks to Huey and Wah, who have offered us free webhosting under Wah’s company, GeekyHost. Huey has been working with me (or more accurately, she has been doing all the hard work while I was only giving instructions and requesting this and that!) for more than a week now to set up the new website.
So, there will probably be no postings for about 24 hours after this as Wah begins the migration process. Everything in this Blogger will be migrated completely to the new website. Nothing will be lost.
Once the new website is ready, all you have to do is to type myanimalcare.org and it will point to the new website.
Here’s a sneak peak….(It’s still not quite ready yet.)
I’ve been told by many friends that WordPress is more reliable in that it has fewer bugs. I know for a fact that Blogger has lots of bugs and it sometimes drives me up the wall just having to adjust the spacing. That’s why you see the spacing all gone awry at times. I just don’t know how to adjust it anymore. I can’t get it to listen to me!
Just a word of caution, if you are unable to get into the new website, it may be due to incompatibility of your browser or antivirus. Try another browser. Modzilla Firefox is recommended. You may have to change some settings on your anti-virus, too, if it does not allow you to log into WordPress, just in case.
So, while we are at our two events on Sunday, Wah and Huey will be busy helping us e-migrate. Million thanks, Wah and Huey.
See you again, folks, probably on Monday. Should there be any glitches, please accept our apologies and bear with us for awhile.
Do please write to me at chankahyein@gmail.com if you encounter any problems logging into our new website. AND, we do appreciate your feedback on the design, etc. Please write.
Thank you, Blogger. You have served us well.
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