
The Boys Take Back The Room


It was during Chinese New Year this year where my husband decided enough was enough, what with my excruciating backache having to wipe up the urine sprays to the likes of twenty times a day, that the spraying in Bunny’s Room had to come to a stop.

That’s when we put up the netting on the grille and “exiled” Cow, Bunny and Indy (then, the three master sprayers) out to the pantry and garden. Not to worry, of course, the pantry is totally shaded and there would be ample space for them should it rain. Also, the deal was that when it rained and if we are home, they would get to come inside.

Indy made his way back in by scaling the netting (it was a piece of cake for our Spider-Cat) but he learnt to behave and did not spray (well, a bit) so he was allowed to climb in and out as he pleased.

But Cow and Bunny? No, they did not learn…at all.

So, Cow and Bunny remained in the pantry and got the occasional trips in whenever it rained. They still sprayed…everywhere.

Meanwhile, the two girls were absolutely overjoyed that the boys were no longer allowed in.

Hooray!!  No more smelly room!

So, it’s been 8 months now and all seemed well until…

Bunny decided to come back inside.

Little did we know that Bunny who seemed quite “big” and is also 80% blind, figured he could actually enter through the “hole” in the grille (this hole is Pole and Cleo’s private entrance and exit).

He has been coming in lately….

Well, if he doesn’t spray, he is welcomed to stay, but here’s the problem – Bunny can come in but being blind, he hasn’t learnt how to go out.

It’s sort of a one-way traffic for Bunny…for now.

No problemo for him. He’s definitely in.

And because the boys (though only two) are inside, Pole and Cleo have decided they will say outside. Oh well…some things are definitely beyond our control.

Do you think this is a planned coup by Indy? That one day, the boys shall take back the room?

Hah! The missing link…Cow is too big to come through the hole.

I don’t want to be mean, Cow, but you spray. The moment I let you in, you spray EVERYWHERE! So, it’s still a no for now…until you learn.  Then, wouldn’t it be wonderful, when we can keep the door open again and all of you can come and go as you please?

So, Cow, it’s all up to you.

Pole decided she could not stay away for too long. You know why?

Yes, she wanted to tear her paper!!

Her favourite activity – to tear up paper! Oh, what joy!!!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/10/28/the-boys-take-back-the-r..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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