
“Double Charity” Petfood Donation For Shelters (a New Fundraising Project)


In our ongoing efforts to raise funds for our Neutering Fund, we are launching a new project, simply called, “Double Charity”. It is a petfood donation to shelters as well as to the neutering of street animals.

A little background first: Most of you would know that for many years now, we have been selling petfood as part of our fundraising efforts. So far, the companies that have been supporting us by letting us sell their petfood are Avant Pet, Coco&Joe and Gold-D.

So far, supporters who buy petfood from us have been purchasing it for their own pets and occasionally, as petfood donation to feeders and rescuers.

But now, we have a new fundraising plan. Here’s how it works:

We would like to invite you to support us by buying petfood from us to be donated to a shelter of your choice. The minimum purchase is RM350 and we will deliver it to the shelter of your choosing, for free. (The free delivery is courtesy of the petfood company.)

By doing this, you are actually doing a “Double Charity” – you will be donating to our Fund and donating petfood to the shelter!  As you know, 100% of our funds are channeled to our neutering applications, so you will be donating towards the neutering of street animals as well as food for shelter animals.


(1) Choose a shelter that you wish to support. Liaise with the shelter and ask what petfood is required.

(2) Select the petfood from our range: www.myanimalcare.org/gifts/. Minimum purchase is RM350.

(3) Write to me at chankahyein@gmail.com with the following details:

Petfood order:

Name of shelter:
Name of contact person at shelter:
Address of shelter:
Handphone number of contact person at shelter:

Name of donor: (can be anonymous, if so wished)

(4) We will get back to you if there is stock and if the petfood company is able to deliver the order for you. For out-of-state orders, courier charges will be incurred.

(5) Once the stock is confirmed available and delivery is possible, please make payment to us and we will deliver the order for you.

(6) After delivery is made, we will publish the petfood donation, a photo of the petfood at the warehouse (before delivery) and a copy of the signed delivery order or an acknowledgement from the shelter (recipient). You will also be informed through email or whatsapp.

Of course it would be lovely if the shelter can take a photograph and send it to us, but from previous experience, we have learnt that shelter staff are usually extremely busy so we would prefer not to impose. The signed delivery order should be ample proof of delivery.

Let’s get started, shall we?

Petfood donation for “Double Charity” – food for shelter animals, funds for neutering street animals!

Who would like to start the ball rolling, please?

So far, four shelters have accepted our invitation to participate in this project, namely, Mun Mun Furkid Haven, PAWS, Momo Cat Shelter and Furry Friends’ Farm. Of course, please feel free to choose any shelter of your choice.  As long as the petfood company is able to deliver to the shelter, we will do it for you! It can even be private shelters, as long as it’s a shelter you support.

And please remember to liaise with the shelter and order what they need!

Thank you! We hope to receive your order soon!!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/10/23/double-charity-petfood-d..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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