Updates On 2nd Oct 2018
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Unknown to many, Rajang River is one of the homes to the Irrawaddy dolphin, a flagship species in #Sarawak.
These can be found in the #Rajang, #Belawai and #Paloh rivers which make up the Rajang Delta at the estuary.
With #pollution from human activities upstream and rapid development near the Rajang delta, the dolphins are becoming more threatened each day.
Do you know that dolphins may mistakenly consume floating rubbish like #plastics as food? Even though Irrawaddy dolphins are still thriving in the Rajang delta, with the plastics that pollute our river, can you imagine what their future is like?
Photo © WWF-Malaysia/Jaynsen Sibat
#sungairajang #irrawaddydolphin #plasticpollution #keepourriversclean #endtoplasticpollution #worldriversday #loveourrivers
Source: https://www.facebook.com/wwfmy/photos/a.159457438241/1015781..
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