Lacing With Wheatgrass
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Just in case Vincent is anaemic, I bought wheatgrass powder today. This is the same product that I bought for Baggy last time when she was diagnosed FeLV+ and severely anaemic (Baggy licked rocks).
Regarding wheatgrass, I dare not give them the grass because of a very scary incident many years ago when Tabs gorged on our own wheatgrass plant and got very, very sick. It started with vomiting, then high fever and she couldn’t eat anymore. A long story cut short, the first vet got it all very, very wrong claiming it was just hairball. Luckily I got her a second opinion and Tabs was hospitalised for (I think) 4 days on drips and we had to change to several antibiotics to cover a wide range as we didn’t know what caused her illness. I camped in the clinic and syringe-fed her every 2-3 hours throughout. Finally, she recovered. She nearly lost her life that time.
Was it the wheatgrass plant? I don’t know. But I did discover some whitish fungus in the soil of the plant that Tabs was chewing on before she got sick. Later on, I let her eat wheatgrass and she got sick again, but this time, it wasn’t serious. So, no more wheatgrass plants for Tabs.
I think the powder would be safer and this a very good brand. I asked the organic shop (run by my pharmacist-nutritionist friend) for the best wheatgrass powder and he gave me this. When he heard it was for cats, he gave me a cheaper version. I said no, I’ll take the best one.

Wheatgrass helps in anaemia due to its high iron content. It is also an immune booster and contains a host of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Good for Vincent, good for all our cats. I used to buy this brand’s spirulina powder to add into our homecooked catfood.

Laced it into Cindy’s canned food because it has broth.

Vincent eats!! Yay!
I think I remember that Vincent likes wheatgrass too.

Everyone had some as well, including Indy (at the window).

Okay, Indy, you get the privilege of joining the HouseCats (Ginger, Heidi, Vincent and Tabs) for food.
Indy gets food from two groups then – the HouseCats and the Cow Clan. Wow…luckily his metabolic rate is high AND he uses up a lot of energy in his many adventures!
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