
Vincent’s Morning


Vincent had breakfast at 5.30am and that consisted of mostly Cubgrub’s Rabbit (which he loves), a bit of Coco&Joe’s Turkey (which he also loves) and Cubgrub’s Chicken.

By the way, Coco&Joe’s is launching their latest flavour, ie. Turkey, at the Matrade Cat Fair next weekend. Watch out for it!  And we will also be selling it for fundraising!  However, we do have a problem with delivery as the barf has to be in a frozen state. So, we can only deliver if it’s a purchase of more than RM350. But, pet stores will be selling it so it may be more convenient to get your supplies from them.

Protein rotation is necessary so that it covers a wider range of our pets’ nutritional needs. I myself have been neglecting this for too long, feeding only chicken and fish.

Fish is not known to be a cat’s natural food (cats don’t go into rivers to catch fish), but I guess Asian cats could have somehow evolved to eat fish?

Best to stick to poultry and small mammals as that would be their natural prey.

I’m now giving my cats chicken, rabbit, quail, duck and turkey. Five proteins for rotation.

Rabbit for Vincent and Turkey for Ginger as Ginger won’t eat the rabbit.

Me no eat wabbit. Me only eats birds.

Then, at around 6.30am, it was pilling time. Vincent was very good about it. The morning pills consists of Azodyl, Fortekor and Metrogyl (tomorrow should be the last day then we are off antibiotics – yay!).

After pilling, Vincent wanted food again so I gave him a can of Cindy’s Tender Chicken. He finished one whole can!

No eating soil so far. I’ve asked the vet and she says there could be number of reasons and we will discuss this next week when Vincent is due for a follow-up. She will also check Vincent’s packed cell volume to check for anaemia. Vincent does not have FIV or FeLV.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/09/29/vincents-morning/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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