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An approx. 450 dogs have been taken to the shelter of WFFT in Petchaburi. Congratulations to Edwin Wiek and his team at WFFT! Dogs there now are very relaxed and comfortable.
Dogs at WTTF receiving emergency treatment (see photo)
An additional 400 are at Petchaburi department of livestock facility nearby WFFT.
WFFT shelters are small and spaced apart and VERY secure being constructed of very strong and high wire mesh. This set up will drastically reduce any transmission of disease. Also totally secure, covered and easily replaceable hay for bedding.
Materials are available to construct additional shelters as required. State of the art large clinic and easy to set up temporary additional clinics.
WFFT truck can collect up to 80 dogs per trip and plan is these dogs will be collected at midnight to reduce stress.
Please help save more dogs by donating now at: