
Yayyy For Vincent! We Are Going Up One Step Now!


We’ve just brought Vincent back for the vet’s and it’s all very encouraging news!! There’s so much, I hope I can remember them all!

Vincent’s lymph nodes have reduced in size – yay! Although his ulcers are still there, it hasn’t got any worse. Maybe, even a wee bit better. Yay! The vet said Vincent looks better too – yes, we agree, we agree! So much better.

And here’s the best news. Vincent’s hydration has improved (finally!) and although it is not optimum, the vet thinks we can start Vincent on Fortekor already! This is the next step in his treatment plan and we are there now!!

Fortekor is an ACE inhibitor and in Vincent’s case, it has two roles. Firstly, Vincent is already an old cat (the vet listened to his heart and it’s definitely an “old heart”, we don’t know how old Vincent is as he came to us five years ago) and his heart isn’t that strong. Fortekor works to strengthen the heart. Then, when the heart pumps better, more blood will be supplied to the kidneys to help what’s left of the remaining kidney cells. Vincent’s kidneys are already in a bad shape. One kidney has shrunk and is very small now (that kidney is dying), the other one is of an irregular shape but the vet doesn’t think it’s cancer. Secondly, Fortekor also helps the kidneys by reducing the rate of protein loss. This is what Vincent needs badly because his protein urea is so high at a reading of 3.88 when the normal rate is less than 0.5 in a healthy cat. The vet is hoping to bring Vincent’s protein urea reading to 0.5 in a month or so. Wow…we have a tall order here – let’s do it! With less protein being lost, hopefully Vincent will regain some muscle mass and gain some weight.

The vet believes Vincent is ready for Fortekor now, but we have to maintain his hydration level. The vet did today’s subcut (250ml) but from tomorrow onwards, we are to reduce his hydration to 200-220ml. Slowly, this might be reduced. I also have to monitor for coughing as that could be an indication that fluids may have got into his lungs. So far, none of that has happened. His lungs are all clear.

Another good news – once Vincent completes this course of antibiotics (Metrogy), he need not continue anymore. Good! One drug off the table.

The vet gave us a nose drop for Vincent’s nose. The “flu” is clearing up, finally. The vet thinks it’s due to some irritation in the nasal cavity, precipitated by the ulcers in the mouth.

We are to continue for following for the long term:

Antacid (which also works as a phosphate binder, but this must be given 1/2 hour prior to all other medicines)
Tramadol (cream on the inside of his ears – painkiller)
Fortekor – half tablet, which is a low dose to start off.

Fortekor is actually formulated as a heart AND kidney medicine, so it’s ideal for Vincent now. And, the vet says it has a nice taste, too. Hope Vincent likes it! The vet says to start with Fortekor and later, we might switch to Semintra, which is supposedly better.

That’s all I can remember for now. I’m so excited!! So happy that at last, we see a light at the end of the tunnel. We can go on to the next step…finally!

It still remains that Vincent has end-stage kidney failure (which is irreversible), but we are now able to do more to maintain the condition and slow down the deterioration.

That itself, is good enough.

If I remember anything else, I will update this post. I have to go check on Vincent now.

Thanks, dear friends, for being there with us on Vincent’s incredible journey of hope, courage and resilience!

Our brave soldier!!

And of course, a huge thank you to all of Vincent’s vets!

Back home!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/09/26/yayyy-for-vincent-we-are..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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