
Vincent Eats Coco&Joe’s Too!


Looks like my Vincent-posts are all about eating!!

For the first time in a longest time since Vincent was sick, he spent last time (all night) upstairs in the family hall. I woke up many times to peek at him too. He was there, but very alert (he knew I was peeking).

No more meatloaf position. He was sitting like a leopard!

I read that the meatloaf position could be a sign that they are in pain.  Poor Vincent was sitting like that for so, so long. Too long.

I woke up really early today and came downstairs. Vincent did not follow.

At 5am just now, Ginger was hungry so I called for breakfast.

When Vincent heard the sound of the food bowls, he came down and came into the kitchen. I didn’t expect him to, because normally Vincent only eats at 7am even if the rest of the cats eat earlier.

He went to the litter box in the bathroom and did his pee.

Then, he came for breakfast.

This morning, I decided to try if he would eat Coco&Joe’s, something he hadn’t eaten for a very long time.

Oh yes! We like C&J too!

Variety is Vincent’s middle name now…!

Have you read this article about a raw diet for CKD cats: https://feline-nutrition.org/health/phosphorus-can-be-key-for-kidneys. It talks about the importance of quality, highly digestible protein such as poultry and rabbit. It also says that we should recognise that raw diets are not “high” in protein. They are “appropriate proteins for an obligate carnivore”. It also says that their standard raw meat diet is almost perfect for cats with renal failure.

I’m relieved to know this and will stick with a raw diet for Vincent. Moreover, he likes it too. I will also be ordering other proteins like rabbit, quail and duck for more variety and protein rotation. For the sake of Vincent and also all our cats (so that they get some protein rotation), I’ll just to overcome my sadness of having to offer them rabbit. What to do, cats are obligate carnivores and this is their food. We also should not be hypocrites – they are all animals – chicken, rabbit, duck, quail. But cats need to eat meat. That’s just the way Nature is “made”.

Of course at this point in time, Vincent gets “whatever” he wants, as long as he enjoys his food and hopefully, it provides him some nutrition despite the “protein leakage” which is at a critical level.

He had two helpings of C&J, then I tried a bit of Cubgrub.

Makan jugak!

I hope today will be a good day too!

Good morning!!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/09/25/vincent-eats-cocojoes-to..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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