
Vincent Entertains Guests


Last night, we had a family dinner at our home. And Vincent came and joined us all in the kitchen when we ate dinner!

This is what he used to do back in the day. Whenever we have guests, he would be the ever sociable host, but this is provided the guest is a good person and preferably, an animal lover (cats can smell them out and they are spot-on in this).  If not, Vincent won’t “layan” at all, he’d just watch from a distance.  But if yes, wow…Vincent would be all over the guest, nudging him and rubbing all over him.  And almost always, everyone who has received this treatment would remark, “Wow…what a friendly cat!!”

Yep, that’s Vincent for you.

Here he is, with Yui Ping. Yui Ping also has a cat, named Doraemon.

This morning, I got up at 5am and found Vincent, again, out at the patio. I don’t know why but he seems to love the cold morning air.

Yesterday, the vet advised me to keep Vincent warm. We’ve already provided him with a blanket, but he chooses to sleep on the bare floor or go out to the patio. I guess we should just let him be since he likes it.

Let him decide certain things for himself, right?  Let him be happy.

We keep a small gap open so that our cats have the option of going out to the patio in the night.

Everyone else ate at 5am since my coming downstairs is the “alarm bell” for “breakfast time!!” But Vincent normally doesn’t eat until later.

By 7am, Vincent wanted food, so he came to look for me in the kitchen.

I offered him his raw meat first, but he looked at me.

You know, I am starting to be very convinced that Vincent understands his vets. And he tries to obey. Remember when the vet said that besides raw muscle meat, Vincent must eat some organs? Well, immediately upon our return from the clinic that day, Vincent ate organ meats and has been doing so without fail at every single meal!

And yesterday, the vet said she prefers that Vincent doesn’t eat raw food as she is worried about the bacteria. (Long story here, but there are always two camps – the raw food camp and the other camp. One claims raw food is the best ever and the other is still into cooked food. Then, there’s also the prescription diet camp and the kibble-is-better camp.)  Well, I’m not particularly in any camp and that is why our cats eat all kinds of foods.  But I respect all views because everyone has the animals’ best intentions at heart.

So, the vet suggested that canned food may be better for Vincent.

Guess what? When we returned Vincent asked for Monge.

Really…he did.

So, he looked at me and didn’t eat his raw food. Hence, I offered Cindy’s first (because it has gravy and Vincent loves gravy).

He went for the Cindy’s! See…he understands what his vets want.

Although I was so happy that Vincent ate heartily, I felt a tinge of sadness here. I think Vincent wants so much to get well, so he is listening to his vets and obeying whatever they say. But, does he know that his disease is irreversible and that there is really no cure?  It’s already at the very “end stage” now.

I felt sad…very sad. But I had to quickly pull myself out from getting deeper into that feeling.

Let’s just rejoice in this moment and look on the bright side – Vincent is enjoying his food!!


Then, he looked up at me again. Remember I had been thinking that perhaps Monge would be better because it has some rice?  Vincent is leaking protein at an alarming rate and the vet said, “Can you add some potato to reduce the protein?”

Vincent…do you want Monge instead?  It has rice.

His eyes said “Yes”.

There you go! And he ate the Monge!

Soon, he was going from one bowl to the other, eating heartily.

I felt so happy…

Finally he went back to his raw food. Nothing beats his favourite, but what a good boy – you listened to your vet!!

And we have a good start today, folks!

We thank everyone for their kind messages and prayers for Vincent.

Thank you!

P.S. We have to do a 250ml subcut today. Please wish us luck!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/09/24/vincent-entertains-guest..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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