
Vincent Takes His Medicines


Soon, it was medicine time for Vincent. I had earlier given him that tiny one-eighth of the Metrogyl. That wasn’t a problem.

But for the antacid, it’s a liquid and the dosage was 2ml – I needed help for this.  This is especially so when the vet already said cats don’t like the taste and are known to start foaming.

Surprisingly, Vincent took it with minimal struggle.

There’s just a wee bit at the lips. This is not bad at all. Hope it helps him.

The cream comes in a syringe and I’m supposed to use a notch each time and rub it into where there is bare skin. The inner ear is the best place because he cannot lick it.

Of course there was no problem at all doing this. I rubbed on both sides of his ear since one notch of cream provided quite a fair bit. This is a painkiller and it will numb the pain in his ulcers. Pain relief is good for Vincent, especially when his ulcers are already so severe.

Vincent wanted to eat at 5.00pm (that’s Indy’s sanctioned dinner time, on the dot!), so I gave him raw met, but he refused to eat until I put in some liver. Looks like he loves liver so much. I’m trying to restrict the liver since too much can cause Vit A toxicity, but he won’t eat his raw meat until there is some liver on it.

I did inform the vet about this. She said hopefully by Friday, when his ulcers heal a bit more and the pain isn’t there, he would be more willing to try other types of food. Then, we would have more food options.

Vincent wanted to eat again at 6.30pm, just because the Cow Clan asked for food. But he couldn’t eat. Yet, he kept coming to stare repeatedly.

You don’t have to eat yet, Vincent. You’ve already eaten moderate amounts at 8am, 1.20pm and 5.00pm. That’s already very good.

But we know all this protein is going to leak out from his kidneys…sigh.  But at least for food fills his stomach and satiates his taste buds. That’s a sensual satisfaction in itself.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/09/23/vincent-takes-his-medici..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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