
An Unsuccessful Subcut And A Huge Struggle


Today, we change a new set for the subcut.

Got everything ready.

But a few seconds after the needle went in, Vincent went on a massive protest.

We tried everything we could, on the spot. We lifted him up, put him down, didn’t restrain him, restrained him, wiped his head and body with the wet flannel, etc.

We could only managed up to 80ml (sigh!) and that’s when the struggle became too violent and the needle flew out.

Okay, never mind. Maybe he prefers it being done at the clinic. But this would mean a car trip, which he already doesn’t quite like.

After the unsuccessful drip, he didn’t run away. He just stayed in the kitchen while I cooked lunch.

Then, he went up to his landing and howled. He has been howling at 3am, and occasionally in the day too. 

He does look a bit like his old self here, doesn’t he?

He’s got that proud, fierce soldier look again.

Vincent: I’m a soldier. I don’t need your drip. 

You do, Vincent. You do. Your doctor says you do, so as a good soldier, you had better follow orders to the letter. That’s what all good soldiers do. Got it? Don’t go rogue.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/09/19/an-unsuccessful-subcut-a..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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