Dinner With Coco&Joe’s
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Our cats eat four times a day.
Previously breakfast and lunch consist of wetfood (raw, home-cooked and canned). Dinner and supper are just snacks so it’s usually very small amounts of kibble. I have tried giving more at dinner so that we could skip supper, but the cats won’t finish a larger amount. Guess they just want to snack!
The reasons why they have four meals a day (I would definitely prefer only two main meals) are (1) many of them cannot eat large amounts (breakfast and lunch), they will vomit, (2) Indy always makes supper calls and this causes everyone to want to eat as well.
I would have preferred just three meals: Two main meals and one snack. But no, Indy will call and bring the whole house down.
Anyway, when I was desperately trying to get Pole to eat and also to give Vincent a more balanced diet, I had contacted Coco&Joe and placed an order.
The order came today. So very kind of Coco&Joe to expedite the delivery when they heard I needed it desperately for two sick cats!
I also wanted all the cats to have some variety in their diet. Pole and Cleo were on Coco&Joe previously but some of our other cats didn’t eat it.
Ginger ate it.
Tabs loved it!
Indy ate it. Bunny didn’t know what it was at first, so I gave him some Monge and added the C&J on top. He ate all up, then he started eating C&J neat. I was careful not to give any cat too much, especially Bunny.
Surprisingly, Cow LOVED it. I know previously, he didn’t like it, but now, he does.
As expected, Cleo loved it.
Cow kept asking for more.
Surprisingly, our barf-eater, Pole, sniffed at it and turned up her nose.
Years ago, it was her staple food. Perhaps she is still not feeling well or she needs time to learn that this smell = food. Pole had also been sneezing quite a bit all day. I think she may have caught a runny nose. Also, she was on steroids for 3 days and steroids may have brought her immunity down. It has that effect.
I would like more, please.
Now, for the ultimate challenge – Vincent.
Remember I specially ordered C&J for Vincent and Pole.
But later, he decided to try and licked a little.
C&J is a bit grainy, so I think the particles made him a bit uncomfortable.
I offered him his raw chicken with a piece of organ meat, but he didn’t want that too. So, maybe he is not hungry yet.
If Vincent prefers chicken muscle meat and organs, then to add bone to his diet, I could try cut-up chicken necks. Nevertheless, the amount of bone needed for a balanced diet is very small.
(The things we do for our pets, right?)
Apparently, based on some research, the part of the chicken with the most balanced and correct calcium:phosphorus ratio is the chicken neck.
So yes, I’m going to the supermarket tomorrow to get some.
I consulted with a friend who has done much research on raw catfood. She says that a balanced ratio is 84% muscle meat, 6% bones and 10% organs. Another friend said organs can go up to 30%, if the cat really likes it.
He just wanted to drink water.
Now, Heidi used to love Cubgrub, but doesn’t want it anymore now. She didn’t want C&J either. So maybe Heidi prefers cooked food now. She eats canned and home-cooked.
Bunny, on the other hand, could only eat home-cooked and canned before this, but now, he loves raw.
Our cats and the things we do for them!!
I will make a concerted effort to change the dinner kibble snack into a wetfood snack (maybe with C&J) and I would still like to cut the supper.
Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/09/18/dinner-with-cocojoes/
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