
“Zurik Games”


Thank goodness it isn’t “Hunger Games”.

Just ‘Zurik Games”.

With the mosquito netting up (stainless steel), Zurik has not been able to achieve any break-in so far.

Looks like he hasn’t discovered how to open the netting from the outside of the window.

But, he still wants to play his game.

So, I think it was two days ago that he went up onto the roof again and mewed at the window.

Let me in, let me in….

No, Zurik.

We decided to not give in this time. He has to learn.

Last night, he was mewing back and forth on the roof.

The funny thing is, he only did it to attract attention (small fellow). He wasn’t mewing all night (why do it when nobody can hear you?). He waited until I was out in the porch with my friend, Mary. Then, he mewed most piteously.

Mary and I were wondering where the sound was coming from. Is there an injured kitten somewhere?

Hah! It was Mr Zurik on the roof!!

Toughen up, don’t give in.

He still tried at the window last night.

The previous night, husband could not sleep all night because Zurik was making a series of pitiful sounds all night at the window.

In all honesty, we do have a tiny bit of doubt in whether Zurik KNOWS how to come down from the roof. So far, we had always given in and let him in through our bedroom window. He’s always won.

But then again, think about it. Zurik is SO incredibly smart. How can he not know how to come down from the roof if he can get up, right?

Daffodil and Rosie went up and down. Even Ginger knows how to go up and down the roof (no offence, Ginger).

Then, this morning….finally, the great Mr Z came down.

Ha ha ha….

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/09/18/zurik-games/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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