
Vincent’s Staring Game


Vincent ate at 7.30am this morning, so I didn’t expect him to ask for food so early, but he came to the kitchen on his own at 11.30am, seemingly asking for food.

But he didn’t want whatever was offered.

It was a staring game again, which I’m getting used to by now, but it does take a lot of patience to wait for minutes before offering the next type of food, only to be turned down and the cycle repeats until I’m finished with whatever options I think he might want.

Since he was already in the kitchen, on his own volition, we gave him the 1/4 Baytril (so tiny, so no problems at all) and the Azodyl (big problem, as it’s a capsule). He tried to fight off the Azodyl by spitting it out, but we managed to hold his mouth closed long enough, then in went three pumps of the Complivit. No harm giving him a multi-vit, at least he has some nutrients. The good thing is that he doesn’t hate the Complivit and is quite willing to swallow it (I rub it on his upper palate).

Vincent went off after the pilling session, but within minutes, came back to the kitchen and did a short staring game again.

I don’t know what you want, Vincent. Already offered the whole menu patiently, but you didn’t want any of it and I would prefer not to stress you out by force-feeding as you would be using up more energy than gaining (through the force-fed food). And what about the stress and negative energy too.

Meanwhile, I read Grandpa Mason’s story, sent by Chen Chen, and was so inspired by what TinyKittens had done for him. Grandpa Mason was a old feral cat and had terminal kidney disease when rescued and yet, he is alive and thriving today, after more than a year of dedicated care. Grandpa Mason was given Cerenia, an anti-nausea medication, besides other medications for his kidney disease.


So I asked the vet about the possibility of Vincent being nauseated and if he could be given Cerenia too; it’s something we have not tried yet. The vet said Cerenia is only available as an injection and he does think Vincent’s vomiting could be due to gastritis more than nausea and if so, Retinidine might be more suitable. In any case, there is no need to give this yet. One vomiting case doesn’t warrant it.

The vet says as long as he eats (monitored over 24 hours), we should just let him be even if he continues with the staring game.

He is now in the bathroom, in self-exile.

I dearly hope this capsule of Azodyl will find its way to the intestines. Fingers crossed.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/09/10/vincents-staring-game/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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