Catherina just texted to say the vet informed her that Jackie passed away at around 6am this morning.
We express our deepest condolences to Catherina for her loss.
We believe Jackie fought a long and brave battle, and we hope Catherina will be comforted to know that animals will struggle on for survival only as long as is necessary. When they know they should not struggle on anymore, they will let go and be at peace with the Universe. In this way, they do not suffer unnecessarily or any longer than is required.
Jackie's suffering is now over and she is one with the Universe. Whether that's Heaven, Rainbow Bridge or another happier realm, I personally believe that animals who pass on will gain a better existence because unlike wicked humans, they do not do any evil in their lifetime as an animal.
In her hour of need and sadness, please be with Catherina as she mourns her loss.
We wish Jackie a smooth journey to her next existence.
Why, she is already there now...playing happily with her new friends.
As pledged, we will help Catherina with the bill for Jackie's treatment while she was boarded at UPM.