
Kenyataan Akhbar KPK 22 Ogos 2018 – Situasi Terkini Rabies Di Sarawak


Rabies infection is caused by the rabies virus. The virus is spread through the saliva of infected animals. Infected animals can spread the virus by BITING another animal or a person.

Rabies can also be spread when infected saliva gets into an OPEN WOUND or the MUCOUS MEMBRANES, such as the mouth or eyes. This was the case for the 13th victim, a 44year old man.

Seek IMMEDIATE medical care if you’re bitten by any animal, or exposed to an animal suspected of having rabies. Based on your injuries and the situation in which the exposure occurred, you and your doctor can decide whether you should receive treatment to prevent rabies.


Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) ingin merujuk kepada kenyataan akhbar Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan bertarikh 18 Ogos 2018 yang telah memaklumkan mengenai seorang pesakit yang disyaki dijangkiti ra…

Source: https://kpkesihatan.com/2018/08/22/kenyataan-akhbar-kpk-22-o..



SPCA Sarawak

The Sarawak Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals believes that animals, as living creatures, have value beyond economic measurement, and are entitled to legal, moral and ethical consideration and protection. The Sarawak SPCA's mission is to act as an advocate on behalf of animals and as an enforcer of their rights; to provide for the well-being of the animals of the State of Sarawak who are abandoned, injured, subjected to unfair or cruel treatment, or otherwise in need; to cultivate in the people of our community an awareness of the animals whose world we share; to promote a bond of mutual assistance between people and animals; and to instill respect for and appreciation of all living things.

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