Singapore seems to be achieving headways in instilling compassion for and responsibility in caring for their community cats. I take my hat off to the Cat Welfare Society and the many cat caregivers in Singapore who have spearheaded TNR for cats.
Most importantly, they have the support of their government. I take my hat off to their government, too. Whichever politician who approved of this cat feeding station, I salute you.
I heard from my friend in Singapore that they had already achieved 100% spay-neutered animals in their housing estates (that's 2-3 years ago, when he first introduced the idea to me).
This year, their local councils do not entertain complaints from the public if the animal is ear-notched. This means ear-notched animals are spared from capture.
That's what we have been pushing for in each meeting that I have attended with the powers that be. When we are asked what we want, I only have this one request - Please spare our ear-notched animals from capture and euthanasia. That's all. Can you grant us that?
You know the answer, don't you?
"We will look into it and get back to you."
Yes, and while you are looking into it, we have work to do.......HARD work. We will work at the grassroots and get more people to CNRM.
So, while we wait for you to look into it, we have animals to save here and now. For every animal that we spay-neuter, thousands are spared from your capture and euthanasia. We will do the needful and wait for your day.