Today is a public holiday, so I'm off. The other three members of my human family are in professions where there are no public holidays (husband - airlines, son - airlines, daughter - hospital), so they are all at work and I'm home alone.
Being the lazy cook that I am, it's going to power juicing all the way for me today....
Here's my breakfast:
Let's see...there's choy sum, green apple, broccoli, pumpkin, carrot, sweet potato, green papaya and a bottle of Yakult. Everything's organic except for the green apple. Can't afford organic apples!
Dump everything into the trusty blender.
Start the blender.
By the way, this life-saver blender is all thanks to Mary. She got it for me from Singapore. Apparently, you can't get this brand or this model here. It was only RM230, after conversion from S$99, and it's super powerful. I only need to use Speed 1. It's glass, not plastic, and cleaning is SO easy, too. If it's difficult to clean, I assure you lazy me would not be using it.
Oh rats, I forgot my walnuts...that's my brain food. How to do maths without walnuts? In goes the walnuts.
Sometimes, it's almonds. Sometimes, it's both. Nuts will take care of the fat that I need.
Walnuts in...start the blender again.
All in, about 30 seconds, it's done now. energy for the morning. It'll probably last me past lunch-time as it's so filling (because of the potato).
Later, when I'm hungry, I'll have another power juice with different stuff.
This is how a lazy person eats her meals when she is home alone. Yups, she doesn't cook. That is how she has so much time to do other things....
Cutting up the veggies and blending it probably only takes 3 minutes or so.
Eating/Drinking it takes maybe 5-10 minutes at most as I read we should keep the juice in the mouth long enough for the saliva to act on some of the carbo. Digestion begins in the mouth.
Washing the blender takes less than 1 minute because it's so, so easy to wash up.
And the best thing is, we don't have to eat animals.
Eat conscientiously, healthily and compassionately and do enjoy your meals knowing that no animal has directly suffered because of it.
Have a good public holiday today (if you are not working, that is).
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