
Special Food Projects


CNRM is the heart of AnimalCare.

C = Care
N = Neuter
R = Rehome
R-M = Return-to-Colony-and-Manage

In an ideal CNRM setting, Return-to-Colony-and-Manage is an integral step in maintaining and stabilising the street animal population. However, we totally understand that Rehoming has to be prioritised over Return-to-Colony in our environment because many neutered animals who are still on the streets are subject to all kinds of abuse and harm. Caregivers also frequently lament that their returned-to-colony animals are still captured and this is truly very, very disheartening.

But, rehoming is not easy. There are many neutered animals out there who cannot find loving private homes to stay in. As such, we appreciate the role of small shelters set up by kind individuals who provide a safe place for rescued animals to stay in. Often, these shelters serve as forever homes for these animals, especially those who are elderly or un-adoptable.

Such small shelters need to raise funds for medical bills, food, electricity, water and other utilities. Many are self-funded by those who start them and this is indeed a huge undertaking.

We truly admire and salute the kind efforts of individuals who start up such small shelters. So, from this month onwards, dependent on fund availability, we would like to embark on special Food Projects to provide petfood for the animals in these small shelters, particularly those that are starting out. The purpose of these projects would be to provide some short-term assistance to these shelters.

We thank all donors and supporters, past and present, for their generosity, trust and continued moral support.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/02/25/special-food-projects/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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