Rani brought two female cats to be spayed under our sponsorship. Both cats already have adopters.
I know what some people might be thinking - It's endless, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
But so is the human population. Humans keep breeding, too, don't they? It IS endless, that's the circle of life.
But animals have no intelligent control over their breeding, so we help by getting them spayed-neutered.
For every animal that is spayed-neutered, thousands of unwanted births and deaths have already been prevented. That animal also leads a healthier life, free from certain cancers and for the females, free from getting pregnant repeatedly (a process that takes a toll on her health and wellbeing).
So, yes, it IS endless, but we will still make that difference for every animal that comes through us.
Join us in CNRM, please. We will support you in any way we can.