
Desmond Lee


The SPCA has always advocated for sterilisation as the most effective and humane method to manage street dog and cat populations, and we have been performing and funding these surgeries for decades. Many other groups and individuals have also joined in this effort. However, what the animal welfare groups have never managed to do, due to resource constraints, is run a national concerted sterilisation programme for dogs.

This nationwide Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage (TNRM) effort, led by the AVA and supported by many animal welfare groups, will be a game changer for street dogs in Singapore and will save countless lives.

We are very pleased to see so many stakeholders, including the government, welfare groups and veterinarians, coming together with a shared vision and approach to humanely reduce the street dog population in Singapore.

The SPCA thanks Minister Desmond Lee and the AVA for making this happen. We look forward to working together with all stakeholders to make this programme a success and help save lives.

Dedicated volunteers from our animal welfare groups have been working hard behind the scenes for many years, to sterilise stray dogs in Singapore (aka Singapore Specials). This is tough work, in difficult conditions. But they do this for the welfare of animals, and to support public health and safety. One example is Ms Lee Chuen Ling, a lawyer by training. She has dedicated the past 3 years to volunteer full time with SOSD, and has been leading groups of volunteers around the island to trap, neuter, release and manage our Singapore Specials, in places such as Pulau Ubin (as part of the Ubin Project). They’ve had success in stabilising the stray dog population and reduced the associated public health and safety risks as a result. Many other groups also do this quietly all around Singapore – Action for Singapore Dogs, Animal Lovers League, Causes for Animals, Exclusively Mongrels, Mercylight, Noah’s Ark CARES, OSCAS, Purely Adoptions, SPCA and Voices for Animals.Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) wants to take this effort further, and has been discussing with the AWGs and the Singapore Veterinary Association (SVA) on how to replicate the success of these localised efforts on a wider scale. From the second half of next year, AVA, working closely with animal welfare groups and vets, will embark on a 5-year national Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage (TNRM) programme for stray dogs in Singapore.AVA will work with its partners to trap and sterilise stray dogs. They plan to rehome as many of the sterilised dogs as possible. Those that are unable to be rehomed and which do not pose safety risks will be released at suitable locations to live out their lives naturally. The aim is to sterilise at least 70% of the stray dogs in Singapore within 5 years. At the same time, AVA and its partners will continue to safeguard public health and safety throughout the programme.Through this programme, we hope to manage Singapore’s stray dog issue in a humane manner, based on science and data, and in the spirit of community partnership.This work will not be easy. We need the patience and support of the public, and the partnership of other AWGs, vets and responsible animal feeders.Action for Singapore Dogs (ASD) Animal Lovers League – ALL Authorized Page Causes for Animals – Singapore Exclusively Mongrels LimitedMercyLight Adoption Noah’s Ark CARES – NAC Singapore Oasis Second Chance Animal Shelter – OSCAS Purely Adoptions SOSD Singapore SPCA Singapore Voices For Animals(Photo credit: Ms Lee Chuen Ling)

Source: https://www.facebook.com/desmondtslee/photos/a.1279129488764..



SPCA Singapore

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA Singapore) is the first registered animal welfare organisation in Singapore. The two main objectives of SPCA Singapore are: to promote kindness to animals and birds, and to prevent cruelty to animals and birds.

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