
Updates On 20th Sep 2017



Lipton is only about two years of age. In her short time on this earth, she has never known a loving home or a gentle touch. That she is alive at all is nothing short of a miracle, given the horrific injury she had when found.

We dont know if Liptons tail was caught somewhere and severely injured that way, or whether it was deliberately chopped off. What we do know is that when she was found, there was nothing left of it apart from a seriously infected wound at the base.

The unbearable pain was visible in her eyes as she tried to comfort herself by purring in our vets arms. Lipton had no hope left and so, she surrendered to us. But without people like you, we would have been powerless to help her.

If you care about cats, will you please help some of the worlds most vulnerable? Please go to http://bit.ly/Yes_I_Will_Help_Cats_Like_Lipton to join our Care for Cats Club so that homeless cats like Lipton can be given the chance they deserve.

Where once Liptons tail had been, the bone was now exposed and a horrendous infection had set in. Our vets said that had Lipton not been brought to our shelter when she was, she would have most likely succumbed to blood poisoning and a horribly slow and agonising death. Sadly, she is not alone.

There is no government funding or any other help available for homeless cats like Lipton. YOU are all they have. To fund medical treatment for suffering street cats who simply wont make it otherwise, please join the Care for Cats Club now: http://bit.ly/Yes_I_Will_Help_Cats_Like_Lipton

Lipton is lucky. Despite it being touch and go in the early hours of her arrival, the medical intervention funded by people like you saved her life. She had surgery to remove what was left of the rotting wound and exposed bone where her tail had been. She was started on antibiotics to fight the infection and she is now slowly recovering. She is one lucky girl.

Its a sad fact that when cats like Lipton arrive at our shelter, we would be powerless to help them without the compassionate cat lovers who donate for their care. A small monthly gift for street cats in need of medical treatment has the power to save countless lives each year. No amount is too small and your gift will go so much further in Thailand.

Please take action now so that more cats like Lipton can be saved and given a chance at love and happiness. It truly doesnt take a lot to change their future. Please go to http://bit.ly/Yes_I_Will_Help_Cats_Like_Lipton to become a member of the Care for Cats Club now.

Thank you for caring about Lipton and countless others who have nobody else.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/SoiDogPageInEnglish/videos/16970828..



Soi Dog Foundation

Established in 2003 in Phuket, Thailand, Soi Dog is Southeast Asia's largest organisation helping stray animals. The Gill Dalley sanctuary in Phuket is home to over 1,600 animals. Soi Dog also has a treatment facility in Bangkok and responds to crisis situations throughout Thailand. The organisation is dedicated to implementing effective, sustainable solutions that reduce the suffering of dogs and cats in Asia, runs entirely on donations and works efficiently so all donations are used to help animals as effectively as possible.

The foundation is a registered not-for-profit organisation in Thailand, the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, France and Holland. It has a maximum 4-star rating with Charity Navigator, the largest and most-utilised independent non-profit evaluator in the United States, a platinum seal of transparency from Candid, the world’s largest source of non-profit information, a Top Rated award from Greatnonprofits and the Travelers’ Choice award from Tripadvisor.

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