
Daffodils Little Up-And-Down Moments


We took Daffodil to the vet yesterday.

She hadn’t been looking or feeling that good for the past few days. There has been some weight loss as well (300 grams over a few weeks). She is only 2.5kg now.  Her weight used to be 2.8kg.

I was very worried the past few days too. She seemed to be deteriorating. Two days ago, she vomited her food and then, refused to eat for half a day. Thank goodness, she felt better by evening and she started eating again.

Yesterday, both vets examined Daffodil and as before, found that her heartbeat is irregular (we already know this). She may be a bit constipated as well (but the stools felt soft enough to be passed out). The vets also felt a lump in her abdomen, but it cannot be determined if this is also a piece of faeces or….a lump. In any case, we cannot do anything about this “lump”.

The vet says her weight loss is due to “cachexia” (weakness and wasting of body due to severe illness and age). Also, the food is probably feeding the cancer cells. Hence, the weight loss.

Lately too, the tumour had ruptured and had been bleeding. And there is necrotic tissue from it so it smells foul. The vet said to just clean the tumour with hibiscrub twice daily for about 3 days. And if there is necrotic tissue again, just clean it. Nothing else is required.

Daffodil allowed the vet to clean the tumour yesterday, without any complaint or struggle. There is actually a big hole in the centre of the lump now. That is why it had ruptured and the bleeding and staining came from there.

The tumour is also much flatter than before. The necrotic tissue means that there is insufficient blood flowing to the tumour, hence, the tumour cells die. I thought this was a good thing, but the vet said it may not be so.

Whatever the case, the fact is that Daffodil is 17 years old and has a tumour. So, the deterioration is not unexpected.

The vet said we could give Daffi kitten food (kibble) to help her gain weight. Other than that, just let her eat whatever she likes, as often as she likes (which we are already doing). She has a variety of Cubgrub, homecooked food, canned food and kibble.

She cannot take big amounts at any time, so she gets food regularly (almost every two hours or whenever she feels like eating). The only problem is, when Daffodil eats, Ginger, Heidi and Tabs want to eat as well. And Ginger takes Daffodil’s food (which she gladly gives away). I’ve tried putting Ginger in the bathroom so that Daffi could eat, but that did not work out. Also, Daffodil won’t eat unless Ginger is also eating.

So, Ginger is really fat now.

Anyway, it’s one day at a time now. We agree with the vet that Daffodil should be as happy and as comfortable as she can be.

On certain days, she is active and yesterday, she jumped and slept on top of the piano.

Today, she seems to be a little down and is sleeping in the bathroom upstairs. We have prepared old tshirts for her to lie on, in her favourite spots.

In an active moment.

Sleeping on the sofa.

Eating Cubgrub.

With her son.

Helping me sew.

With Ginger.

May all beings be well, happy and at peace.

Moments are all we have.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2017/09/11/daffodils-little-up-and-..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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