
Zuriks Mysterious Disappearance And Fear


Yesterday, Zurik was not here for breakfast.

Previously, he had gone “missing” for a day or two before, but lately, he’s always been here for at least one meal each day. The longest Zurik had ever gone missing was for 2 weeks and that was almost 3 years ago. He was so frightened by Cow’s screaming that he ran off and did not come back for 2 whole weeks until I was hospitalised for dengue fever and he came back when I returned from hospital.

Those two weeks was the longest he had ever been “missing”.

So, Zurik’s disappearance yesterday was a little worrying and I went up and down the road to look for him but there was no sign of him. I even asked the patrol guard if any animal-catchers had come into our area, and the guard assured me there had been none. I thought maybe his “owners” had taken him back to the kampung for the coming Hari Raya? Does he even have any owner, in the first place?

Zurik’s life is a little “mysterious” because he would turn up for meals, but in-between, if he’s not in the porch, he’s somewhere else, and we don’t know where that is. He doesn’t eat much too and yet, he is 6.5kg. So I think he gets food elsewhere.

I’ve tried putting Zurik inside, but he’s terribly uncomfortable and would ask me to let him out. That’s the thing with Zurik. We have never really known if he has another home somewhere so it wouldn’t be fair to keep him inside as well, especially when he himself does not want to stay inside.

Also, lately, the hierarchy has changed again and now, Zurik is afraid of Ginger.

Yes, Ginger is the new alpha at the patio. Don’t let his innocent looks deceive you. Vincent is terrified of Ginger.

And cat hierarchy is fluid. Just this morning, Tabs chased Heidi out of our bedroom.

Yes, Tabs!

So, Mr Zurik was missing in action almost all day until late evening when he suddenly jumped down from the neighbour’s roof onto the garbage compartment and came running back to his meal spot.

I was so happy to see him, of course.

I quickly offered food and he ate, though not voraciously.

He wasn’t that hungry, but he was definitely very frightened. His tail was between his legs and he kept literally looking over his shoulder at the slightest noise. It was as though he was very frightened of something. He would eat a little then run away very quickly as though he was escaping from something.

I had to go after him with his bowl of food and he ended up eating in four different places because he was so afraid.

He managed to finish his raw food and some kibble, then he ran out of the gate, also in fright.

Ginger waited at Stargate2 for awhile.

All night, Zurik did not appear.

Thankfully, he was back at Stargate2 this morning despite the rain. He seemed more normal. Ate his raw food and went to hide at the shoe rack after that.

He was definitely afraid of something yesterday, but since we don’t speak Cat, we will never know.

I hope things will return to normal soon. Mr Zurik has the whole porch to himself and it’s very safe for him since there is no other cat to disturb him. Once in a while, some other cats do come in now that Vincent and Ginger are confined, but these shouldn’t be a problem for Mr Zurik at all.

We are quite sure his fear yesterday wasn’t caused by another feline. It could have been a human factor….but we will never know.

Vincent in his new place.

The alpha at the patio.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2017/08/26/zuriks-mysterious-disapp..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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