Updates On 15th Aug 2017
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Roxy, the seductious dachshund, was a money making machine for her owner. Every pup earned her ‘owner’ hundreds of ringgit. Once Roxy contacted TVT, a profit making machine was instantly turned into a total loss. Her ‘owner’ didnt even bother to heal her. Disowned, she was searching for her so-called family member at the shopping mall near our shelter. This is similar to prostitution!
Tigress, the mama mongrel gave birth to 5 puppies at the shady bush. Tigress was unfortunately forced to be a stray during the rabies outbreak, after her owner came to know that she was pregnant. The public called the council to cull Tigress; some even branded her as a rabid dog. Many failed to understand how much stress a first time mother could be during her confinement. All Tigress did was to protect her kids from harm (human), like many human mums would do to protect their kids, but she was blamed by society for her aggressiveness. Period.
Sandy, the clueless German Shepherd, was forced the get out from her owner’s car on a busy highway towards 7th Mile Bazaar. Sandy would be healed if the owner detected and managed to control her diet earlier. Sandy was diagnosed by our panel vet; she has malfunctioning liver, which explained her baldness. Sandy is expected to have a life span of another 8 months. We wonder why the owner wont medically treat Sandy in first place. Human are just cruel, they only wanted to keep diamonds, not a rusty piece of steel.
FurBall, old and sick mixed Spitz. The elder owner called the council to get rid of their dog of many years. FurBall watched their daughter till she was married with kid. The owner immediately scrubbed hardly their floor when FurBall was taken. FurBall was partially blind, and suffered a mild skin disease. Why is there a need to get rid of a family member? We wonder when we are old and useless; will our kids do the same to us? It just keeps us pondering…..
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SarawakSPCA/photos/a.176524749431.1..
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