I called Cheang immediately after receiving that phonecall from our vet and Cheang agreed to foster the 5 kittens.
Cheang doesn't drive out of her "safety zone" (something I totally empathise with since I too have the worst of the worst possible sense of direction), so she asked me to send them over to PAWS and she would meet me there.
So I drove to the clinic to get them...
Gee...they are so cute!
They looked hungry, so I thought I'd get them to PAWS first, then feed them. I asked our vet if he could supply the milk for Cheang and he did - Pets Own.
Rats!! Jam. But the kittens looked alright.
When I reached PAWS' office, I asked for syringes and I fed all five of them.
They were VERY hungry, but I was careful not to overfeed. Distension kills. NEVER ever overfeed. That's what the vet told me. Underfeeding is better than overfeeding. If you observe the amount of milk a mother-cat feeds her babies, you'd know how little it is. Little amounts, but frequently.
3 mls each for a start, but a few were still hungry. Ok, another 1 ml and that's it. Cheang will feed them regularly once they get to her place.
After feeding, I massaged them all and all of them pee-ed. A lot, too. That's good.
Cheang soon arrived with her son, and after some chit-chat about kitten-care, the 5 kittens were off to her place.
They all looked incredibly healthy. Whoever dumped them at least had the good sense to put them in a very clean and big box, with a towel, too. Oh well, at least s/he did not dump them by the roadside.
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