I've been in sms and phone communication with Mr Teh and Andy ever since the Blueys arrived at their new office-home this morning. They are both doing well. Bagheera seems to have adjusted very quickly and is behaving as the dominant one. Mr Teh had told me earlier that Baloo appeared to be shy.
Yes, Baloo IS the shy one and is also not as courageous or adventurous as Baggy. Looks like in a new environment, Baggy has claimed her dominant status! And to think Baggy is the younger one and was brought to me in dire straits! "The meek shall inherit the earth" rings true?
Anyway, Baloo will adjust soon enough, I'm sure.
Andy called me this evening, to give a full and detailed update. The Blueys are fine....they have been eating, playing non-stop (what with so many new toys, which child wouldn't, right?), napping, and practically been enjoying themselves. Andy was just a little concerned about pee-ing and poo-ing. A change of environment can delay this, but I'm sure they will adjust real soon.
Here's a follow-up email from Andy:
Hi Dr,
Let me assure you that Blueys are doing fine in their SOHO. No signs of panic and they have been very playful most of the time. They have finished up the food about 20 mintues ago and i have refill the bowl and should last them up to tomorrow. After i spoke to you over the phone, Baggy has also peed in the litter. We were all relieved and happy that she also know how to do the business in the new toilet. So in short, they have eating, playing , drinking , sleeping and we only have to wait for the POO!!
We took too many pictures and have to send them to you over yousendit.com. I must say the pictures are not in very goof quality as no.1 they are moving non stop ( playing with the teaser) No.2 i used my iphone camera which has relatively slow lens. No.3 I try to avoid using good camera as the pictures will ended u in high reso which will made transferring a mission impossible. However, if you need some pictures for blogging purposes, i can get you some good pictures. Let me know.
i will also attach a video clip for your viewing via yousendit.com.
And another...
Yup my staff likes the "new staff" (the kittens!). Even the warehouse staff came to visit them. :) Please feel free to visit them anytime, just give us a call or even a surprise visit ( so long is within business hours :) )
And another...
I am still in the office and went visit them just now. Baggy is sleeping and Baloo hop on to my lap and rest (like what he used to do with Uncle Bobby.) she is feeling more at home now.
And the last updates for tonight....
Hi Dr, Last updates of the day as we are leaving the office. Both now are staying together on top of your kangara box like a twins. Emily is saying probably they know is getting late in the night and feel safer to stay together. We will be back tomorrow at 8am. I am sure they will be alright. Cheers. andy
Yes, we are all just a bit anxious for news as it is their first day in their new home. Thanks, Andy, for understanding this and being so nice about it!
The only reason this post took so long is because of the downloading of the photos from yousendit. Maybe my internet is slow tonight.
Here are the photos.....!! And this is not even half of what Andy has sent!
What a blast! I'm sure this is like going to Disneyland for Baloo and Baggy!
Goodnight, Blueys....sleep tight and be safe.
Tomorrow will be a new day of more fun and games!

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