On 23rd March 2017, Stray-Free Selangor was launched. It received the support of the Menteri Besar of Selangor as well as the Royal Household.
The news: http://www.thestar.com.my/metro/community/2017/03/24/humane-way-to-deal-with-strays-in-selangor-state-to-ensure-local-councils-use-spaying-and-neutering/#31pD4iy8wTl3zLby.99
On 13th March 2017, a certain online community newspaper published an invitation by a certain council in Selangor to catch stray cats.
Then, in their April hardcopy edition which came out recently (note: this is after 23rd March 2017), the same invitation was repeated in print.
A few readers alerted us when the hardcopy edition came out. They were so worried for their community cats and dogs.
What else could we say except to please keep your community animals (yes, all neutered, vaccinated and cared for), safely indoors?
We hear cries of “Stray-Free Selangor has just been launched, yet catching is still being practised?”
It’s been the same cry all these years, from rescuers and caregivers of street animals. They care for the animals, they get them neutered, vaccinated, medical treated, they continue caring for them and all it takes is one phonecall from an intolerant human and there goes the poor animals. We provide our neutering aid and encourage caregivers to keep going, not to be demotivated, but really…this is an uphill task. It takes a huge emotional toll on everyone involved.
So, here’s the bottom line, folks: It’s all about the letter of the law.
The federal law on animals currently is still the Animal Act 1953 (amended in 2006): http://www.mvc.gov.my/doc_downloads/AnimalsAct1953.pdf
The Animal Welfare Bill 2015 was gazetted last year, but it is still not in force as of now: https://www.cljlaw.com/files/bills/pdf/2015/MY_FS_BIL_2015_19.pdf
The said bill was lauded by many animal lovers for the higher penalty for animal abusers. Sadly, many people did not read the entire bill.
The preamble in this bill says:
An Act to provide for the establishment of the Animal Welfare Board, to set out the functions of the Board, to promote the welfare and responsible ownership of animals, and for related matters.
In the forum at the recent 9th Animal Awareness Day, we were informed that no animal NGO has been invited to sit on this Animal Welfare Board. We were also informed that “the welfare and responsible ownership” as cited in the preamble of the bill is to be read together. Hence, apart from Section 29, the rest of the bill covers only owned animals.
What is the definition of “owned animals”?
A survey was conducted in June 2012, before the Animal Welfare Bill 2015 was drawn up and the public was allowed to put forth suggestions: https://myanimalcare.org/2012/06/21/animal-welfare-bill-proposal-2012-your-chance-to-speak-up/
We spoke up and we are sure many of you did too.
Has your suggestion been included in the bill?
Is there anything in the Bill that protects the lives of street animals?
Speak to a Member of Parliament?
Been there, done that.
Speak to a State Assemblyman?
Been there, done that.
Speak to a councilor?
Actually, also been there, done that. And to be more accurate, the councilor asked to speak to us because he claimed he had a “fantastic” plan to propose. We met, he talked about his “fantastic plan” and nothing came out of it after that.
Here’s the bottom line: Keep your community animals as safely as you can, folks.
For those who dare to dream and would like to act, please read the next post.
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