Here we go again, everyone.
Please sign the petition.
This “festival” is an event that starts on June 21st of every year during the summer solstice and it lasts for 10 long horrifying days in which 10,000–15,000 dogs are consumed. However, it is estimated 25 million dogs are stolen, sold, bought, and eaten every year with the illegal dog and cat meat trade. A larger percentage of these dogs consist of pets stolen right from their loving families. The rest of the dogs are captured strays from the streets and some raised in dog farms. After these animals are stolen, bought, or captured they are then transported for days without any food or water, crammed in tiny cages together so tightly that they are unable to even move. At the yulin festival, throughout those days, these animals will be hung, burned, skinned, boiled, torched, dismembered, electrocuted and beaten…ALIVE..out in the streets for public view. But If that isn’t bad enough, they intentionally torture these animals in front of the other animals in order to create even more stress and fear. The belief behind the torturing and slaughtering them while still ALIVE, is because the people of yulin believe the more adrenaline and fear that runs through the blood, the more tender and better tasting the meat will be.