Turks are very much against euthanasia of dogs and cats for “population control”. This is in contrast to the U.S. where there has been very little tolerance of free-roaming dogs and where euthanasia of healthy but unwanted dogs has been a common, although controversial, public health policy for at least 50 years. This is changing in the U.S. today as the numbers of free-roaming dogs has declined and as public sentiment about euthanasia of unowned dogs has evolved.
The strategy being tried in Turkey is trap-spay/neuter-vaccinate/treat and release. Free-roaming dogs are picked up off the streets and taken to local shelters where they are spayed or neutered, vaccinated for rabies and other diseases, treated for minor illnesses, ear-tagged for identification, and then released back to the neighborhood where they were trapped.
To Malaysian law-makers and politicians, please learn.