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Wednesday, 3rd May 2017, by AnimalCare

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Yesterday, Daffodil decided to show me how she makes a great escape even though a chair is put on the tree trunk sink.

She scaled Stargate2.

Yes, Spider-Cat style – she scaled it.

When I came home from work yesterday, I saw her reaching the top effortlessly and thereafter climbing onto the ledge. Then, she strutted along it. Not in a proud or show-offy way, just very nonchalantly, like, “It’s no biggie, really… Easy as pie.”.

Then, she just sat on the ledge.

It’s not that she wanted to go far, I’m sure.

It’s more of, “I shall not be confined. I am a free cat.”

Of all the PatioCats, I least expected Daffodil to be the one who would be making the escape. Vincent – yes, possible. Mr Zurik – yes, definitely possible. Even Heidi – yes. But Daffodil??

On hindsight, why not, right? She is the smallest and the lightest…also the brightest, I might say.

The oldest too. With age comes wisdom, as they say. There’s no denying that. But Oscar Wilde was quick to add that for humans, “but sometimes age comes alone”.

So, there’s really no point in subjecting the patio chair to this anymore. Daffodil can scale Stargate2.

And she wasn’t prepared to come back yet. Not yet.

Jia-Wen said Ginger was looking all over the house, all morning, for Daffodil, mewing pitifully. So, no, that won’t do. I had to get her back into the house (though she was just sitting in the porch, under the car).

Managed to get her in for a Monge kibble snack.

That’s the only food that is powerful enough to attract her in…so far.

See background: Ginger is eating up the Monge kibble.

And I did this.

I figured she must surely use Vincent’s table as a first step. Then, scale Stargate2.

Maybe this will stop her?

You think? 

Then, we went out for lunch. I even closed the patio sliding door, but kept the kitchen windows open. Let’s see what happens….

We returned and…

Of course she was out again.

Why should I even be surprised, right?

How do you think I survived for 10 years living on the streets?
With Rosie and Ginger, too.

It was about to rain, so I had to get her in again. Monge kibble?

Of course, Ginger is the happiest to have her back.

See background: Heidi is eating up the Monge kibble.

Daffodil to Ginger: I was just out in the porch, don’t worry, I am okay. Our humans think they can confine us? 

During the rain.

During the rain.

Mr Zurik has been behaving for the past 36 hours. He hasn’t beaten anyone up. He follows me for taiji as bodyguard and dutifully comes back with me to the porch. He does his duty like a well-trained guard dog, really.

He WANTS to come in so badly while Daffodil wants to go out so badly.

Talk about the grass being greener on the other side, right?

If he behaves and doesn’t beat people up, he can come in. But the moment my husband comes back, he’ll ask to go back out to the porch. He sort of “knows” the system now. And I think Mr Zurik also needs to go “home” (he comes from the road at the back).

On another note, after more than 2 weeks of not seeing any cats at the playground, finally, I saw one of the pet cats again yesterday, coming out to play. I’m glad this cat is safe. On hindsight, I think perhaps the pet owners did read all my texts that day and took care to keep their pets indoors during that time. I’m just so glad that this cat is safe and I saw the dog too (the one who takes walks on his own). He is safe too.

To whoever made that call, please, sir/madam, have a heart. We can share this earth, can’t we?  It isn’t so hard to do. You don’t have to like the animals, but could you please just leave them alone? There are many humans whom we don’t like on earth too, but we leave them alone, don’t we?

But back to Daffodil’s story now…

Did she make her great escape again, for the rest of the day?

Er…no more for the day.

She was quite happy being at home.

I think it was all about showing us that no matter how hard we try, we cannot beat a cat.

Well, Daffodil, you have certainly proved your point there!

But…Ah Keong is coming today…with Stargate2, Part 2.

No, I am not challenging Daffodil at all. It’s nothing like that. How I wish I could let all the cats be free (if it were a kinder world). The reality is that there are unkind humans out there and I need to keep all the cats safe. They will use all means – nets, traps, poison, etc. and there are also the fast cars. You know, I am really all in favour of this demerit system for drivers that has just been introduced. And I really hope the authorities will monitor the speed limit of cars inside housing estates. Please nab the speedsters who don’t even have the decency to slow down INSIDE housing areas.

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