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Saturday, 20th May 2017, by AnimalCare

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I suppose no story is complete without an episode on a “great escape”….

This morning, someone left the front open and Daffodil escaped.

By the time we rushed out, she was already inside the drain. I was worried sick because she still had her tshirt on. Pro – it would keep her lump reasonably “clean”. Con – it might cause entanglement and that was my greatest nightmare.

We brought food out to try to lure her back.

Of course she wouldn’t buy it.

This morning, there was a human emergency at around 3.30am and I didn’t get back to sleep. Partly also because Daffodil kept waking me up asking for food. By 4.30am, everyone had had breakfast (because of Daffodil) and she kept asking for food every few minutes.

Hence, by the time the great escape occurred, which was about 8.30am, I suppose Daffodil had already eaten enough to her heart’s content.

Food? Trying to trick me with food?? What do you take me for, a fool? 

From the drain, she went further down the road to unchartered territory.

It was total chaos.

After some time, we got her back into the porch and thought our worries were over. Surely…surely, three humans would be able to get one little cat back?

You think? 

Super Daffi was faster than lightning. This must be all the beta glucan 1-3, 1-6 at work. The added energy. The zest. The super speed.

As the two men tried to corner her, Super Daffi showed us evidence on how she had survived on the streets for 10 years. With her super speed.

Finally, she went up the garbage compartment and that was it.

Three humans – a complete ZERO. Daffodil – 10 points.

From there, she went to the neighbour’s roof and did her protest stunt.

Yes, sit with buttocks facing our house.

From the neighbour’s roof, she went back to our roof and later, I found her sitting exactly where Rosie had sat during Rosie’s one great escape many weeks ago.

The sight was eerie.

My hair stood on end.

From there, Daffodil toured the roof and went back to the neighbour’s roof.

It was clear she was having a ball.


I was worried sick that she was still wearing her tshirt.

Luckily I had altered the tshirt to make it more fitting. Still, there was a chance of entanglement.

From this position on the roof, Daffodil then went deeper into the middle of the roof and disappeared from our sight. This is where Vincent, Ginger and Zurik always go to.

What could we do but wait, right?

The day wore on. It got really hot.

Worrying is unwise, I know.

We put Tabs back to Bunny’s Place and opened the upstairs windows, just in case Daffodil decides to come back through the roof.

I kept my nerves calm by sewing. We had earlier planned to go out, but all that had to be cancelled.

Later, husband went out to buy things and when he came back, guess what? Daffodil came out from her hiding place, stood at the edge of the neighbour’s roof and did a victorious “you-dumb-humans” stance. Then, she went back to the crevice on the neighbour’s roof.

Yes, that’s what we call the Calico pride.

Rosie had it. Daffodil definitely has it. Cleo has it too. It’s the Calico pride and it’s in their Calico genes.

Every hour, I went out to the porch and looked under the cars and outside on the road. There was no sign of Daffodil.

Zurik was in the porch and I realised that Zurik had to come in because Daffodil is sometimes afraid of Zurik.

So I brought Zurik in.

Happiness for Ginger. Zurik is his best friend.

Mild-mannered-Ginger and terrorist-Zurik is an unlikely pair. An “odd couple”, opposites attract? Oh well, what do we know about cats and their relationships, right?

After awhile, Zurik wasn’t happy being inside, so we had to let him out.

3pm – meal time. Daffodil still had not returned. Everyone had their food. The sounds and smells did not attract Daffodil. Remember she had eaten a lot in the morning? That’s why.

It was almost 5pm when I did another round of search (and rescue) and there she was – under a car outside the house.

Zurik was in the porch.

This time, I thought she might be hungry by now. So I brought Zurik in.

Soon, Heidi sounded the alarm. Heidi (bless her) kept mewing at the window. I looked out, there was no one, but in the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of our girl, Daffodil, near the front door. It looked like she was ready to come in now.

I opened the front door and invited her in.

Don’t even breathe, I told myself. Keep calm.

Positive, positive, positive.

Relax. No big deal. You want to come in, please do? Don’t want, it’s okay. We can wait.

Madame Daffodil walked in, through the front door.

I slowly closed the door behind her.


Keep calm.

I calmly offered her some food. She just ate a little bit. Wasn’t that interested.

Just ate a little. With Heidi, of course.

It’s okay. No worries. Call me when you’re hungry.

I’m hungry now…

She had many small meals.

I suppose Daffodil wanted a day out. It was a Daffi Defiance Day.

After about an hour, it was time for her meds.

Denzo and Clavomox.
Clavomox is hygroscopic so I can only cut the seal when it’s about to be consumed.

This is the Bioresis. Now, I use a straw to transfer the powder into the capsules. But I think using my nimble fingers work just as well. The pharmacist says it’s the purest Beta Glucan 1-3, 1-6 he could find, and this is why it is so hygroscopic.

Filtered water for cleaning, Biosilver as a disfectant. Then, apply the paste and put on the tshirt.

I’m just so glad you are back now, Daffi.

I can do without such excitement in my life, really.

A reminder to the humans.

No more escapes, Madame.

Please, please, please…

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