It’s been a zombifying week because Daffodil has been waking me up at about 4am (or today, it was 3.40am) every morning….because she is hungry!!
The first time she did that, I didn’t wake up and she pee-ed on husband’s legs, plus blanket and the bed.
So, after that, I have been dutifully waking up when she came a-calling.
And yes, that’s about 4am every morning.
And everyone gets early breakfast, thanks to Daffodil.
Even Zurik has learnt the timing, so he’ll be waiting at Stargate2 during that time.
Then, Daffodil gets really active and starts exploring more alternatives for escape.
She has recently discovered another way, which we all overlooked – Jia-Wen’s bathroom windows! Normally, the room door is closed, but Jia-Wen says whenever he is in the room, Daffodil has been going into the bathroom to “make the preliminary calculations”. It’s not that easy…as it’s quite high, but it’s possible if one uses the shower knob as an in-between springboard.
So yes, that would need to be wire-netted real soon. These windows lead out to the roof at the back, so yes, escape is possible.
There’s another bathroom window downstairs too, but Daffodil has never considered this as it leads out to….Bunny’s Place!
So, no, “…that’s not even on my list”.
Her twice-daily medication (if you could call it that) is just Bioresis and Denzo. Twice-daily the molasses+sodium bicarbonate paste is applied to the tumour and whenever possible, I also apply turmeric powder+virgin coconut oil topically.
It’s a lot easier to feed her the medicines and even apply the paste now (I can even handle it alone). She just doesn’t like wearing the tshirt! When it all started about less than 2 weeks ago, Tiger’s tshirts were too big, so I altered them to fit her, but now, they are getting a little bit tight! Maybe it’s due to the increase in her appetite, so she must have put on some weight.
I am controlling her food intake, making sure she doesn’t eat too much.
So, Daffodil wakes me up at 4am every morning, and by the time I go to work, she goes upstairs to sleep.
And then, I have to struggle through the day…. (while our girl sleeps contentedly for many hours)!
I’m going back to bed now, being a Saturday….
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