Daffodil still wakes me up at 3am every morning.
That’s her active time and she wants to go out.

Because her lump sometimes stains (due to the molasses+NaHCO3 paste), I had to put these mats on the chairs and Daffodil is clearly offended. She has refused to sit on the chairs with the mats. She only sits on those without an extra cover.
So okay, just more washing for me. We have to wash our bedsheet and blankets every 2-3 days too because Daffodil lies on them.

She wakes up at 3am, plays until 7am and then goes to sleep (while I go to work!).

I’m handling all the pilling and “pasting” sessions all by myself now. It seems to work well.
By the way, when husband was helping me with these sessions, he remarked that Daffodil is so strong that if he were to arm-wrestle with her, he thinks Daffodil will win. He wasn’t joking, too.
When handling a Calico (and Dowager), it’s a lot about managing their pride too.
The lump has noticeably shrunk. I consulted the pharmacist again today to let him know and he wasn’t surprised as he says many external tumours shrink (in humans) with his recommended molasses+NAHCO3 paste. I was motivated to try this paste upon the clinical evidence presented by the pharmacist and also after watching world-renowned cancer researcher William Li’s success in treating 600 dog tumours. He too used a paste, but its ingredients were not revealed. I wrote to his organisation to seek advice, but there has been no reply.
Seeing that in less than 2 weeks, the tumour has begun to shrink, of course we will continue with all that we are doing now and hope for the best.

Please note that the above is only a sharing. Should your pet have a similar ailment, please consult your veterinarian or professional healthcare consultant. Every ailment is different, every pet’s needs are different and what works for one may not work for another. It is inadvisable to self-medicate. Always seek professional advice.

Meanwhile, our contractor, Ah Keong (who already knows how capable our cats are (at escaping)) dropped in today and did this for us. He had some left-over polycarb which is glazed on one side. So it’s done exactly like how we restrained Pole 5-and-a-half years ago.
Will this work to restrain Daffodil from escaping?
We shall see.
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