
Daffodils Routine


Daffodil has been playing hide-and-seek a lot these days.

She doesn’t want to be caught for her pilling and cleaning sessions, so she runs.
But she IS hungry – aha!

Mother and son, planning to gatecrash into Bunny’s Place??

She likes sleeping in this litter-box. It’s lined with a towel and she will only go in if the towel is fresh and clean. Calico fastidiousness!

Most of the time, she is upstairs on my blanket.

Her routine now is such that she eats breakfast, then sleeps throughout the day until evening when she’d come downstairs for food again. Then, she is active and will have small suppers all night. And yes, she still wakes me up at 3am every night, hoping I’d let her out. Old habits die hard, especially if those habits have already been formed and practised for more than 10 years!

As can be seen in the photo above, the lump has shrunk to about one-third of its original size now. I’m applying the molasses+sodium bicarbonate paste twice daily. The skin around it is wrinkled (due to the shrinking of the tumour) and the tumour itself is also very much flatter now.

When Daffodil was first diagnosed with the tumour, I wrote to Dr William Li’s team (in the US) to seek advice on the paste used for their successful treatment of 600 dogs, 1 dolphin and 1 horse (all with visible cancerous tumours like the one Daffi has). After 20 days, I was delighted to receive a reply from them. According to the person who replied, they would be able to share the findings of their research if our veterinarian wrote to them. I immediately contacted all the vets I know (in total, I contacted seven vets yesterday), hoping that one of them might be interested enough to write to the team so that their research findings might benefit animals here.

So far, only three vets have expressed interest, and now, I am waiting patiently for any one of these vets to please write to the team. I do understand that vets are extremely busy people, so Daffodil and I will wait.

Meanwhile, we will continue with the paste and the oral Bioresis and Danzen.

Please note that the above is only a sharing. Should your pet have a similar ailment, please consult your veterinarian or professional healthcare consultant. Every ailment is different, every pet’s needs are different and what works for one may not work for another. It is inadvisable to self-medicate. Always seek professional advice.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2017/06/09/daffodils-routine/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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