Very often, people tell me they "dare not" read the stories in my blog because they don't want to see the frightening photos or read the sad stories. I tell them they cannot simply assume that just because we provide medical care for animals, it has to contain frightening stories and sad stories. And I think they must have confused us with other websites, too, because we do focus positive stories quite often, don't we?
Well, here's one, from Bernice Chee:
I read about Vixey and how you said she is like Yoda. God Bless her furry little soul :) What a coincidence that i have a black cat as well, and when he was growing up, we named him Yoda. He did look like Yoda though, have a look at the pics HAHA. Then as he got bigger, he had diarrhoeaa few times (we rescued him from the side of the road when he was about 2 days old, and bottle fed him with kitten milk, but without mom's milk, his immune system and digestive system was quite weak, so he had a few bouts of diarrhoea). Somehow after that, we just kept calling him "Smelly butt butt"....And now he's Buttness. :) All of 2 years old.
The other 2 cats (in the 3cats pic) was also rescued from a drain and road. The middle one used to be called Smorley Pants, but we dropped the small and just call him Pants now (cos he was so small when we rescued him, but is now HUGE). He's 1 this month, and we think he's got Maine Coon gene. The only girl in the house is Creamygal, and she's a real bully and moody cat. The last pic is Whisper a pure bred American Curl adopted from our vet because the owner said he has no more use for him as a stud :( How sad is that. He's about 10/11 years old, and is a slow old man. We just want to give him a peaceful retirement and some wonderful years of just being able to be a free cat instead of all those years of working as a stud cat and living in a cage.
That's my family of 4 kids :) Cheers, Bern
Bernice said she's looking at migrating and she's definitely taking all her 4 furkids with her!
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