Updates On 13th Mar 2017
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This little puppy was all alone when she was run over by a car. With no mother in sight and no human to care for her, she was left for dead. Unable to walk, she suffered terribly. Her name is Looky.
Will you help gravely injured dogs like Looky? Joining our Emergency Response Team is an easy way to help animals who have no one else in this world. Please visit http://bit.ly/help_dogs_like_Looky to learn more.
A kind person found Looky. At Soi Dog, the vets confirmed that she had fractured both hind legs. She was started on pain killers and about a week later, she had surgery on her right leg. No puppy deserves to suffer like this. Yet thousands do.
You can help them today. Will you please join our Emergency Response Team? You can pledge any amount to help puppies like Looky: http://bit.ly/help_dogs_like_Looky
Looky is now walking and she will likely make a full recovery. Her success story is only because supporters like you have funded emergency medical treatment for the animals in our care. Without you, they have no one.
Will you please help today? http://bit.ly/help_dogs_like_Looky
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SoiDogPageInEnglish/videos/14646621..
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