“Life can be so hard, when survival is your only destiny and hope is your only friend. Hope to keep you going another day, hope to stay alive another day … I count myself lucky for I have seen many moons already and so many of my friends have come and gone. Starvation, disease, abuse, reckless drivers are the harbingers of death that have claimed all my friends life and I wonder when it will be my turn … The shadow of death is always hovering above me, silently watching and waiting … will it be this day that I meet my maker?”
This is Lai Fu. On one rainy afternoon, we saw him when we were passing by Taman Universiti. He was very thin and malnourished. He was walking alone in the cold weather. It was truly amazing that he was able to survive this long with his pitifully thin frame and protruding ribs. As we walked closer towards him, we were shocked to see something in red protruding from his butt. It was his bowel. The sight filled us with horror and it was heart wrenching to see the weak and agonized look on his face. We sensed the urgency of the situation, we quickly rushed him to the vet clinic.
A kind lady told us that everytime after Lai Fu had eaten some food, he would diarrhea. The persistent of diarrhea had leads Lai Fu’s bowel to protrude. During the treatment, Dr. Lee tried to clean and stuff back his bowel. Lai Fu was such a great boy and never cry out in pain or growling when he received his medical treatment. Perhaps he knows we are here to help him. According to Dr. Lee, Lai Fu’s digestive system was very weak and malnourished. He couldn’t absorb the nutrients that he had eaten to his body. We couldn’t imagine that how he would able to survive in such a terrible state.
Currently, Lai Fu is discharged from vet clinic and transferred back to HOPE shelter after receive few days of his medical treatment. Due to persistent diarrhea, Lai Fu’s might get tie-off knot at his bowel. If his bowel still protruding then he might need to undergo an operation to sew back his bowel.
There are far too many stray animals in need like Lai Fu and we never stop our rescue mission to save their life, we sincerely wish that you would never stop your help and support for them too. Please kindly contribute to us to help Lai Fu and enable us to have more ability to save more animals that are in need. Contributions can be made payable through: Secured online donation: http://www.hopejb.org/v2/content/make-donations
Monthly Sponsorship Programme: http://www.hopejb.org/v2/content/hope-sponsorship-programme
ATM Bank-in to MAYBANK Account: 5012-0808-5710
Paypal Account: irisleong3268@yahoo.com
Your contribution will ensure that we have the means to continue with the quality care that these dogs require and deserve, and that you will be instrumental in giving them a second chance at life. Thank you!!!
“生活可以是如此的艰辛痛苦,当生存变成了你的唯一目标,当希望成了你唯一的朋友..希望着自己能挨过今天,希望着自己看得见明天..我想我自己是幸运的,当身边所有的朋友来了又走时,而我自己却侥幸的过了无数个日与夜。饥饿,疾病,人类的虐待,莽撞的驾驶者,这些都是带走我朋友生命的主因,而我也不自觉地时时问着自己,何时会轮到我呢? 死亡的阴影总是不断在我身边盘旋,静静地看着我..静静地等待着..这一天会是我向世界说再见的时候吗?"
他是来福。在一天下着雨的中午,我们在进过大学城的路上看见了他。他看起来非常非常地瘦弱及营养不良,只剩下一副皮包骨地独自一个走在寒冷的天气里。我们非常诧异拖着这幅身子骨他是如何生存的..当我们下车走近他时,猛然看见他的肛门突出一个红色的东西,那是他的肠! 这一幕吓坏了我们,当时来福虚弱及痛苦的样子让我们不顾三七二十一即刻把他送至医疗诊所。
事后一位善心的女士告诉我们来福是在那一带流浪的狗狗,不管他吃了什么东西都会泻肚子。长期的泻肚子导致来福的肠都给泻出来了! 来福的主治医生Dr.Lee将来福的肠清洗干净后便小心翼翼的将肠塞回去,来福是个好乖的孩子,不吵也不闹的乖乖接受治疗。也许他知道我们是来帮助他的..根据兽医的诊断,来福的消化系统非常差,他不能吸收吃下肚的食物的营养,我们真的无法想象他是怎么样生存的..
安全的网上捐款: http://www.hopejb.org/v2/content/make-donations
每月助养计划: http://www.hopejb.org/v2/content/hope-sponsorship-programme
ATM 汇款至 Maybank户口: 5012-0808-5710
Paypal 户口: irisleong3268@yahoo.com
!! 谢谢!
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