The last time we updated about Sasa here, she was only a tiny pup!
However, from the looks of her lady-like puppy pictures (above taken earlier this year), it's probably no surprise to find out that Sasa has grown into a demure little lady. Her dachshund ears have stayed as floppy and adorable as ever, but her figure has filled out nicely (in fact, maybe a bit too voluptuously around the sides!) and her coat has taken on a lighter, more brownish hue.
She has been part of our pioneering group of Obedience School students and has been progressing beautifully, from learning to walk on a leash to learning to sit. She has the calmest and most gentle personality out of all the dogs in the group, making her very accommodating and easy to control. During training intervals, she will often flop down for a rest, content to lie down and observe while the other dogs explore around excitedly.
If you're looking for a chilled-out furry friend to manja and snuggle with, this little princess may be exactly the one you're looking for! Her fur is wonderfully soft for a stray dog, and her easy-going nature makes her very people-friendly - the perfect companion pet.