Rosies News A Setback (Day 6, Evening)
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We brought Rosie for a check-up and the intended subcut fluids this evening.
Complaining all the way….
When the vet palpated her liver, it felt more enlarged than Monday (but not as big as Friday). However, this is still a setback. We were really hoping it would be smaller than Monday. But it is not.
We don’t know why. Could it be due to her going out and possibly eating something outside. Or, as the vet discussed at length, it could also be something that I can fed her. Maybe previously the food was alright for her but now, suddenly, some ingredient is not right for her liver. This can happen as an animal age or as for Rosie, she is also FIV+.
Rosie wanted kibble and canned tuna this morning, so she ate some of it. Could it be this?
So the plan now is to put her back on ID, as much as she doesn’t like it and will never take it on her own. I would have to force-feed her. Liver patients have to be on a low-fat diet, hence, ID.
Below is her blood test results on Friday (17th Feb 2017):
The AST and ALT were both high.
Here (below) is her blood test results on Monday (20th Feb 2017):
The AST had come down a little, but the ALT had come down quite significantly and we were so happy. From 8 times the normal reading to 5 times the normal reading.
However, the fact that her liver felt enlarged again is not good, so the vet referred us to another vet who has done a lot of research on liver problems. We will take Rosie there tomorrow. Maybe an ultrasound and another bloodwork are needed.
Rosie was given subcut fluids today. Her temperature was also slightly on the high end of normal (39.5 degrees). But her weight has maintained at 3.6kg. This is despite her eating very little. The unchanged weight is a hopeful sign.
The vet palpated her intestines and felt a lot of well-formed stools. Rosie is constipated and needs Lactulose again. Constipation is certainly not good, especially for Rosie, because toxins from the stools would tax on the liver.
Rosie, I’m afraid you cannot go out anymore.
She has taken all her meds and supplements for today and has been given Lactulose.
Tomorrow, we hope we will know more and can help her more.
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