
A Short Story, From A Melaka Traffic Lights


I received a call this afternoon, from a young friend. He sounded a bit desperate. Apparently, he realised kittens had crawled into his car engine when he stopped at a traffic light.

The kittens must have been inside the car engine from the time he drove off from his house to the traffic lights.

He said the kittens dropped down onto the road when he stopped, but when he and his friend got out of the car, the kittens got frightened and crawled back into the car engine.

Oh dear…and this was a Melaka.

I asked if he could pluck the kittens out?  He said no, they were too far down in the engine.

I suggested using aromatic food to entice the kittens to come out. Canned tuna or sardines should do…In the background I heard cars honking.

Later, he called back.

Mission accomplished!

A kind driver saw them struggling in the middle of the road (yes, hazard lights on, bonnet up, blocking traffic, by hey, lives at stake here, folks) and stopped to help them.

The kind driver managed to get the kittens out AND….

Another kind passer-by saw what they were doing and offer to adopt the kittens!!

Well, all’s well that end’s well, right?

I’m so pleased that kind people are around.

Humans are kind

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2017/02/05/a-short-story-from-a-mel..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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