Bernice sent Whitetu along with two more boys for neuter at our panel vet under our sponsorship a few weeks back. All was well until lately when Whitetu seemed to have developed breathing difficulties.
So, Bernice sent Whitetu to the vet's this morning, after catching him (he had escaped and had gone missing earlier).
Bernice writes:
Hi Dr. Chan,
He's not well :( According to the vet, there can be 1 of 2 things that may be happening to him. One is that he has a flea problem which is causing him to be anemic, and because there is a lack of blood, he has problem breathing now. The other problem may be he has a hernia of the diaphragm causing his intestines to push up into the lung cavity, causing his breathing difficulty, which would need an x-ray to confirm and surgery to rectify.
The vet recommended us to go with the treatment for the first issue first, which we had agreed to. He is now on antibiotics, hills a/d and iron supplements. We will try this for 5 days to see if there's any improvements. If not, we will take him back for an x-ray to confirm the second issue. The vet did say that he may not make it if surgery was done because he's already having breathing difficulties now, and putting him on GA for the surgery may cause him to stop breathing. :(
He's quite critical at the moment, but still drinking water by himself, just not eating, so am syringe feeding him 3 times a day. Hopefully Whitetu gets better. Life of strays are so sad. The vet gave us a rescue rate.
I offered our subsidy to help out with the costs of treatment for Whitetu but Bernice says they will take care of that themselves.
So, I offered to blog the story so that all of us can collectively send our prayers and positive healing energy to Whitetu for a quick recovery.
May he be free from suffering.
At the point of writing this, Bernice says Whietu had just escaped from his cage again and they are out looking for him.
Whitetu, a few weeks earlier. He is much thinner now.
Please pray he comes back to Bernice and that he gets well real soon.
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