Many Dogs Chained, Caged As A Quick-Fix Solution
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We wrote in to The Straits Times Forum section, in response to Ms Stephanie Patricia Ngo’s letter; “Raise awareness that chaining, caging dogs for long periods is cruel.”
The practice of chaining or caging dogs for long periods, is unfortunately common in Singapore.
Many pet owners confine their animals as a quick fix solution to a problem, without realising that animals being confined to a small space, can lead to mental distress, causing unnecessary suffering.
Some of the reasons for confinement cited by dog owners include the dog running out of the gate, digging up the garden, or that the animal is not toilet trained. Thankfully, these problems can be easily resolved with commitment on the part of the owner to train their animal.
We will continue raising awareness on the harmful effects of caging and chaining through our education and advocacy programmes. Pet ownership comes with responsibilities, and the pledge that we will do the best by our animal companions. It’s time we started doing better by “man’s best friend.”
Have a read of our response which is also found in today’s edition of The Straits Times, in the Forum section.
We thank Ms Stephanie Patricia Ngo for speaking up for animal welfare (“Raise awareness that chaining, caging dogs for long periods is cruel”; Jan 9).. Read more at
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