
Cows Trip To The Vets And His Bruise


Although Cow did eat this morning, he didn’t look too well and my husband thought he felt warm too, so off we went to the vet’s.


Waiting for our turn.

I told the vet about the limping so that was checked first. Cow was able to jump off a stool and land firmly on both his front legs, so the two front legs seem to be okay. The hind legs didn’t seem to be giving problems as well.

As we had already seen, the scratches were quite minor too. Cow’s temperature was 39.3 degrees, which is slightly elevated but not alarming. Sometimes, fear and stress can cause a minor elevation in body temperature.

There were scratches on his chest, under his arm and the vet thought we should shave him there to take a look.


As it turned out, there was bruising right there. This wouldn’t have been visible had he not been shaven.

The funny thing is, there are not bite wounds that could have led to this bruising so there is a bit of a concern there. It could be due to a blunt trauma or perhaps it was due to my husband trying to separate them during the fight – the pull could have caused this bruising.

We had two choices – (1) Just monitor him or (2) Put Cow on prophylactic antibiotics (amoxycillin) to reduce the chances of an infection in this bruised area. We decided on (2).

So, now we are back home and we just have to monitor the bruised area and another marker would be Cow’s appetite. Hopefully, Cow heals soon.

The vet explained that sometimes the psychological effect of such fights can cause other medical problems (like FLUTD, which Cow has a history of) to flare up. Stress can triggered a lot of other illnesses. This would have to be monitored as well.

Cow, Cow, Cow – please, no more fights!!

Zurik, on the other hand, seems to have this “I live for today” attitude. And it also helps that his skin is like that of an armadillo’s!

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/12/29/cows-trip-to-the-vets-an..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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