Jaine, had the shock of her life late this morning when she saw someone dumping a mother dog and five pups near Goodyear Court 10 in USJ Subang Jaya. According to her, a white Toyota Harrier bearing registration number WQB 288 stopped and let the mum and pups out of the car. The puppies were less than a month old. Jaine was too shocked to take photographs but went back to look for the dogs - but could not find them. Jaine says the mother is short legged and a mix of brown and white. It rained heavily after that and we hope the puppies and their mother are safe. We will go in search for the doggie family but need people to also search the locality. This is a good example of how pathetic and wicked some people are - ITS YOUR PET - YOU MADE THE MISTAKE OF NOT NEUTERING THE POOR DOG YOU DUMBASS, WHY PUNISH THE DOG AND ITS VERY YOUNG PUPPIES? We have heard first account narration of how people have seen idiots throwing dogs out of their cars on highways. Apparently, this is to prevent the dog from finding its way home. PLEASE CIRCULATE THIS AS WIDELY AS POSSIBLE. DOG ABUSERS MUST BE SHAMED! WQB 288 SHAME ON YOU! Next time you see anything like this or any other form of abuse - PLEASE TAKE PICTURES FOR EVIDENCE.

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